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Draco's POV
Night of Yule Ball

Draco stared at himself in the mirror. His hair wasn't cooperating no matter how much hair gel he applied, dark eye bags stood out against his pale skin from lack of sleep, and to top it all off, it was today that a tremendously obvious pimple had decided to appear on his forehead.

Every second leading up to this moment, since his eyelids had peeled back that morning, he'd been miserable. The smallest things had been setting him off all day and even Pansy had given up trying to reason with him. Draco had sealed his curtains shut with a spell and had also placed a silencing charm over them to ignore Crabbe, Goyle, and Theodore's pestering. He hadn't opened a single Christmas present and instead lay in bed all morning staring up at the top of his four poster bed feeling bad for himself. Draco had skipped breakfast and almost missed lunch as well. Not that food felt very important at the moment. He was aware of how unreasonable he was being however he didn't intend to change a thing about his attitude.
Draco couldn't get the images from his dreams, the good and the bad, out of his head. It was all slowly driving him crazy.

Therefore it was really his thoughts that he had to blame for his de-shelved appearance.

Out of the corner of his eye, as he was looking at his reflexion, Draco saw someone careen forward in his direction. His eyes widened, he had enough time to see them coming but not enough to move away. Draco was struck from behind, he stumble forward, jarring him back into reality. Tins of hair gel, face cream, powders, and other body ointments clattered to the ground as Draco fell into his dresser.

He whirled around, "For Merlins bloody sake Goyle! Try to control yourself for once!" Draco snapped harshly.
Everyone in the room stilled their preparations for the Yule Ball. Goyle looked like he wanted to say something back but smartly didn't and instead simply gave Draco a fast nod, looked down at his feet, and backed away.
Disgruntled, Draco turned away from his housemates wary expressions and pulled his wand out from his pocket.
"Accio" he said and all the tins flew back into place. With a sigh he began to change into his dress robes, it took a great amount of effort.
He didn't want to go to the Yule ball anymore.


Draco wanted to go even less when he and the other boys exited the dormitory and all but Crabbe and Goyle met their dates in the Common Room. The moment Pansy saw him she smiled in a way she must have thought made her look attractive, Draco thought she looked more constipated than anything else.

"You look dashing!" Pansy gushed. He nodded stiffly, keeping his eyes everywhere but her face. She already knew he was in a mood but she didn't know what it was about. If anyone was going to realize the depth of his upset it would be her.
Pansy was dressed in a tight silver dress that hugged her form. The collar of the dress dipped low and he knew most boys would likely be drooling over her had they been in Draco's position. In fact he caught Blaise giving her a once over, his eyes resting in some places for a second too long. Draco on the other hand could not have cared less about the large amount of breast and cleavage Pansy revealed.
However Draco had picked up on the looks Blaise had been giving Pansy for at least the last month or so. Draco found it was quite obvious that the other boy had a crush on her. However it was also common knowledge that Pansy had a crush on Draco. Another reason for Blaise to hate him.

Despite being cranky Draco was still a gentleman. When it came time for the group to leave the Common Room for the entry hall, where they were to wait before the ball which was taking place in the Great Hall, which had been transformed into a ballroom for the special occasion, he extended his arm for Pansy to take. She excitedly grabbed on with her tiny and very feminine hands. Her fingers were covered in delicate silver rings and her wrists were adorned with thin silver bangles. Pansy gave him that smile again, he gave her a tight lipped smile in return before he hastily looked away.


They passed couples of all combinations. Beaubaton, Durmstrang, and Hogwarts students all mixed together and mingling. Girls in flowing, sweeping, crisp gowns. Boys in an assortment of dress robes.
Draco thought some boys looked handsome while others just looked plain awkward. Ronald Weasley was a good example of the latter, Draco didn't think anyone would call what the ginger was wearing anything remotely close to dress robes, they were ghastly. Padma Patil, who appeared to be his date and was dressed in turquoise and gold, looked mortified just standing next to him.
Draco knew that where Ronald Weasley was Harry Potter wouldn't be far along. He tried to keep it subtle as he scanned the crowd, but he was nowhere to be found. They entered the Great Hall with everyone else.

"Who are you looking for?" Pansy tugged on his arm to get his attention.

Draco felt himself blush. "No one" he said a little too quickly.

That's when a horn started up and Draco realized it was the signal that announced the arrival and entrance of the triwizard champions and their dates. The great halls double doors swung open and a path was immediately made.

First came the headmaster, Dumbledore, who was closely followed by Karkaroff and Madame Maxime. Behind them was Ludo Bagman and - Draco did a double take - Percy Weasley. However he wasn't given much time to think about this, he'd send a letter asking his Father about it, because the champions and their dates started streaming in.
Fleur Delecour, Beaubatons champion, looked like an angel with her silvery white hair and glowing pale complexion. She was accompanied by Roger Davis who appeared shell shocked, a dazed grin hanging off his lips.
Viktor Krum followed close behind with a girl Draco at first didn't recognize, then realized with shock was Hermione Granger. She'd straightened her hair and wore a stunning periwinkle dress.

"She looks lovely" Pansy whispered beside him. Draco didn't answer her, and although he agreed he would never admit it aloud.

Cedric Diggory came next, he was beaming a charismatic smile, sure enough, with Cho Chang. Draco wanted to thank him and wring his neck at the same time. Cedric had prevented Harry from going with Cho however that also meant Harry was upset.
Draco held his breath at the thought of the other boy.
And there he was. Harry with Parvati, who was hanging off his arm. He was dressed in bottle green robes that brought out his emerald eyes and made them pop, they also managed to make his hair look darker. Of course Harry still looked a tad awkward, his glasses askew and his hair as uncontrollable as ever. It was all part of the charm Draco supposed.


You guys are all incredible for getting me to 53k views! Special thanks to those who vote and comment on each and every chapter:) it means so so much to me.

Most of my recent chapters have been in Draco's POV and I was wondering what you all thought about that. Any recommendations on the way I write him? Please let me know!

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