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Dracos POV

Slowly the room around him came into focus.

Draco yawned blearily, rubbing at his eyes trying to clear the grogginess. He turned over in his bed and felt instantly awake. Pain roared like a sudden fire had been lit in his ribs. His eyes shot open. The sheets were coarse on his skin and there wasn't the usual heavy weight of his Slytherin duvet. Not to mention that the mattress felt thin as parchment. This was not his bed. Where was he? Heart rate accelerating in his panic Draco sat up in bed, pain burst through his head like fireworks exploding. A cry of hurt ripped from his throat as agony tore through his entire body. Chest heaving he sunk back into the mattress.

He heard a door close by burst open, footsteps pierced his headache. Even closer bedsprings groaned. The bright light and loud sound overloaded his senses and Draco couldn't even feel embarrassed as a low whimpering sound left his lips.

"Out of my way Potter!"

"But Madam Pomfrey-"

"Potter, I said get out of my way!"

Draco's chest ached fiercely. His back felt like it had pounded by rocks. His vision blurred then fell away.


Light faded back into his world.

"Madam Pomfrey he's awake!"

Draco moaned "Shuddup Potter."


Draco closed his eyes as this lessened the pain.

"How do you feel Mr. Malfoy?" A terse voice questioned.

The last thing Draco wanted to do right now was answer an interrogation, but seeing as it was about his own health he supposed he ought to answer the nurse's damn questions.

"Like death" he answered. The nurse made a 'tut-tut' sound.

Potter snorted "You look like death too."

The nurse huffed and turned to snap "Mr. Potter you can wait outside. I've had enough."


"I said you could wait outside, this is not up for debate."

Draco was liking Madam Pomfrey more and more. He heard more then saw Harry storm from the room.

"Could you describe your symptoms Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco sighed, okay maybe he didn't like her all that much.


The halls of Hogwarts were so quiet he found it eerie.

"So you're feeling alright then" Potter asked for about the millionth time.

"Magnificent" Draco told him dryly.

"Oh come on."

"I think I'm going to go to my dorm and sleep" Draco said wanting to escape Potters pestering.

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