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Draco's POV

Draco had woken up exhausted. Completely and utterly wasted. He had been up late the night before, his whirling thoughts had kept him from drifting off. He'd woken at least twice in the night and then slept in past noon. His sleeping patterns were definitely out of wack now. Draco spent the majority of the day curled up in bed with a book, not wanting to risk the chance of running into one of the boys or Pansy. The thing that finally dragged him from the depths of his sheets was his growling stomach.


He sat alone at the Slytherin table, only a few other students were gathered in the Great Hall. It was just after lunch, he ate a large portion of scrambled egg and sausage to satisfy his hunger. Draco was just finishing up, dabbing his lips with a napkin, when his owl flew in through the rafters. With an echoing screech it landed in front of him. He untied the letter and large parcel from the birds talons. Draco fed it the last of his sausage before it flew away.

He was hesitant to read the letter but eventually managed to gather his wits and rationality and did.

My darling Draco,

How was your Christmas? Do you like the robes Cora got you? You ought to send her a letter saying thank you. I'm aware that she isn't the friendliest woman but she's an old acquaintance with a lovely young daughter. You remember Meave don't you? Perhaps over the summer I could arrange a get together so the two of you can become closer.

That was the last thing Draco wanted, another visit from Cora and Meave Felloraya. His Mother and Cora's parents had been friends when the two of them had been young girls. They had grown close like sisters. Things were different now. What happened to change their relationship was a long and complicated story. Their visits always consisted of awkward formal dinners with two times the usual hair product and pretentious conversations about other pureblood families. Draco always found them extraordinarily unpleasant. He pursed his lips and continued to read the letter.

Then of course there's the Yule Ball. I'm expecting a long encounter  of the nights events. Every last detail down to the colour of Pansy's dress. How is she by the way? Another lovely young woman. Her family isn't quite as wealthy as Cora's, though I'd say they tie in the amount of land and property they own. Wealth and property aside the Parkinson family is more honourable.

Best wishes, enjoy the scones, missing you always


Putting the letter in his pocket he pulled the small parcel his owl had delivered towards him, already knowing what was inside. Draco pulled the wrapping off, revealing a tin. He removed the lid and the scent of flour and cherries reached his nose. He smiled at the familiar and comforting smell. Life couldn't be complete shit as long as he had these.


Draco's stomach was heavy and full as he left the Great Hall but his chest still felt empty and cold. He wandered the corridors until he regained some sense. What would people think if they spotted him aimlessly walking in such a state? Draco shuddered at the thought. Where could he go? Not the common room, there were too many people. Not the Great Hall, he'd just come from there. He wanted to be alone right now. Well, he thought, that wasn't quite true. He could think of one person he wouldn't mind being with. His mind pulled up memories from the night before. Harry grinning at him cheekily over his dates shoulder; His piercing green eyes following Draco's every move, looking at him from under dark eyelashes and behind iconic circular spectacles. Whenever he'd turned away the pressure of Harry's gaze had remained. Like the warmth radiating from a fire even when one turned their back to it.

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