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Harry's POV

Harry woke several hours later in one of the beds provided within the infirmary. (for the last time he hoped). He was growing sick of the crisp sheets, thin gowns, and constant boredom caused by the lack of activity.

Pushing himself up into a sitting position, he grabbed his glasses from the bedside table and pushed them into place upon his nose. Harry cracked his neck and stretched his arms upward the same time a yawn crinkled his features.
He stopped mid yawn when he realized a certain blonde slytherin was sitting at the end of Pansy's bed, with his eyebrows raised and giving him a not so impressed look.

"Can't a bloke make it until 10 in the morning without being judged?" Harry grouched laying back onto the pillows.

Malfoy laughed, he genuinely laughed. "I havent even said anything yet!" But Harry wasnt listening because that laugh. He felt as though his entire world had been tipped upside down.

He knew he was staring, knew that he had to stop. "You were going to" Harry grumbled scowling and averting his eyes as he felt a blush creep across his face. He quickly changed the conversation. "Is she any better?" For clarification he added "Pansy I mean."

Malfoy's eyebrows drew closer and a worried frown appeared on his lips. "Madam Pomfrey says she'll remain asleep for at least another 12 hours. Since she came to the infirmary unconsious the nurse had to inject both the Cold Cleanser and the, Malfoy pulled a face, "I don't know what its called- the lavender sleeping potion that smells of things that attract you most?

"She gave you that too?"

"Yeah, its supposed to repel nightmares..." Malfoy kept his eyes down cast and an awkward silence began to thicken in the atmosphere.

"Hey Malfoy?"

"Yes Potter?"

"Could you tell me what happened next?"


"With your dad?" Harry clarified.

"I dont know... I don't think I should have said anything yesterday" the other boy said in a reluctant tone.

"You dont feel even the slightest bit-"

"Feeling better Mr. Potter?" The nurse asked briskly.

Harry cleared his throat "Much. Thank you Madam Pomfrey."

"All part of my job," she dismissed his thanks with a wave of the hand. "Alright well go on then."

Harry tossed back the starch white sheets and found himself facing the same problem Malfoy had. "Er- Madam Pomfrey?"

"Yes Mr. Potter?"

"Small issue."

"And what might that be?"

"Could I have some clothes?"

"Gryffindor common room isn't in the dungeons now is it?"

Harry gave her a look of utmost bewilderment. The nurse gave him a faint smile that reassured him she was only teasing. With a flick of her wand she produced the same clothes she had for Malfoy the day before.

When the nurse turned her back Harry began to change. He stopped when Malfoy started spluttering.

"What is it now Malfoy?" Harry gave him an impatient look.
The nightgown the nurse had put him into ended about an inch above his knees and the only thing he was wearing beneath was his underwear. He began to pull on the new jeans he had been given. They fit well, tight in all the places they were supposed to be.

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