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Draco's POV

It was well past noon when he took a seat at the breakfast table. He was dressed in a simple pair of dark snug denim jeans and a thinly striped black and white t shirt. "What is it that Master Draco would like to eat this morning?" Jassy asked him.

"Just some toast please," Draco replied. Despite his Mother continuously telling him about how important the first meal of the day was Draco couldn't bring himself to eat much when he first woke up, it made him feel nauseous. 'Maybe because I don't get much sleep,' he thought to himself as he yawned and pressed a hand to his mouth. Recently Draco had been trying to get more sleep but he'd end up just laying in bed in the dark for hours, wrapped up in his thoughts.

"Any toppings, sir?"

"Hmm?" Draco rubbed at his eyes. "Oh, perhaps some cinnamon."

In no time at all the house elf was back with a plate of perfectly golden toast covered with a fine sprinkling of sugar cinnamon. "Would Master Draco like to read the paper?" Jassy inquired, her lips twitched as she tried to hold back a smile.

Draco peered at her suspiciously, eyebrows furrowed. "That would be great," his apprehension was clear in his tone.

She went and got it for him. Just as he was unfolding the Daily Prophet his Mother walked in, a spring in her step, and sat across from him. She was dressed in a simple bottle green coloured dress with black heels and onyx jewels adorning her throat.

Draco flipped open the Daily Prophet and the moment he saw the front of the paper his breath caught in his throat. DARK LORD DEFEATED. A large black and white picture of a destroyed Hogwarts. He devoured the article, his eyes growing wide. Harry had done it. Draco was barely breathing when a few minutes later a heavy knock rang out through the chalet. The door. Who would be at the door? No one but Dumbledore had known their location. But the old headmaster had been killed by the Slytherin head of house, Severus Snape, last year. The secret of their location had died with Dumbledore. Draco looked up at his Mother quizzically. She gave him a sly smile, a light twinkled in her eyes. "Jassy's making my breakfast darling. Go get the door will you?"

He stared at her in confusion for a moment longer before pushing back from his seat slowly, maintaining a calm appearance. However, as he drew closer and closer to the entrance hall, to the doors, his heart rate sped up and so did his pace. Draco threw the double doors open and he stopped breathing. He was right there, in front of him in casual jeans and a dark burgundy sweatshirt, his hands stuffed into the front pocket. "Hey," the other boy said removing a hand and rubbing the back of his neck as he gave Draco a sheepish grin.

Harry's hair was longer and messier than ever. His glasses were crooked and Draco stepped forward, fingers itching to push them back up his nose, but stopped himself just before he was about to reach out. A year. Longer. How much had changed between them? Could they simply go back to what they'd had before?

They were only a few feet apart and Draco wasn't sure if he wanted to attack the other boy with questions or kiss him. Draco could only stare, wide-eyed, as he stated, "you bastard. You saved the bloody world."

"Er-it wasn't just me-" A blush spread over Harry's cheeks as he reached up to run and hand through his wild dark hair.

Draco sucked in a breath of air. That gesture was so familiar. Fuck, Harry was right in front of him but somehow the missing wasn't gone. It was there, full force. "Stop being so fucking humble you idiot," he interrupted. "You did it."

Harry blushed hard but his slight smile grew and at the sight of that bashful crooked grin Draco closed the gap between them. He left the chalet doors open, and clasped the other boys face in his hands, kissing him hard.

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