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Harry's POV

The heavy black curtains were flung open and patches of sunlight lit up the room. A ray of it lay across the parchment Harry had just been writing on. He sat cross legged on his bed, hunched over a text book he was using as a hard surface to write the his letter to Draco. Leaning back on the bed, he chewed his lip as he read it over. Harry wished he could just talk to Draco now. However, Draco probably didn't wish the same. The other boy, despite his letters was probably having a grand time at the manor.

Harry frowned and shook his head, he knew that wasn't true. Why was he being so bitter? Was it an after effect from his nightmare? Was Voldemort creeping back into his head? No, he was only being paranoid.

The bedroom door swung open, Harry jolted into a sitting position.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you mate." Ron gave him a sheepish grin. "Just came to tell you that lunch is up."

"Thanks- er- on my way down. Just give me a minute."

"Sure, no problem..." Harry expected Ron to leave but he didn't. He just stayed standing in the doorway as Harry slowly packed up his things. Harry glanced over at his friend and gave him a questioning look. Ron rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Uh, Harry?"


"You doing okay?"

Harry sighed. "Just not getting much sleep lately."

"Just because I know it's been rough lately and also pretty stressful and-"

Harry interrupted him. "Ron," the other boy looked up at him, "I'm fine."

"Alright, well, I'm here if you want to talk."

"Thanks mate."

The door snicked shut. Harry looked strait at the blank walk across from the bed. Why didn't he talk to Ron? Harry looked down at his letter for Draco.

After pondering it a heartbeat longer he came to the conclusion that he was fine talking to Ron. He'd just prefer talking to Draco at times. Harry wished he could have both. Yet, was that even possible?


Draco's POV

He ripped the letter open and was met with Harry's chicken scratch. He couldn't unfold the parchment fast enough.


I feel like I need some background on Cora. What's her story? What's she done that's so bad? Not that I don't take your word for it because I do.

Yay for parties? Don't worry I'm only joking. I'd resort to faking sick as well if I were you.

Things with the Weasley's have evened out a bit. I'm still a little worried...but I'll mention why to you in person after the holidays.

Best of luck,

Draco read it over thrice before grabbing a quill and parchment to write a reply.


Evening of the event

His conversation with Meave in the library was playing on repeat in his head. He wasn't sure why he was hurting himself by thinking about it. He should have just kissed her! His confession rang in his ears. 'I like boys.'

He focused on doing up each button to his white long sleeved shirt. 'I like boys.'

It felt like a dirty secret. He pulled a black tie around his neck. 'I like boys.'

But it wasn't dirty. It was simply the truth. Draco glanced at his reflexion in his bedroom mirror. He'd pushed his hair back with gel and applied a skin moisturizer to his face earlier. For the most part he thought he looked normal and well rested from all the time he'd spent in bed faking sick. Draco finished with his tie. His reflexion was frowning back at him. The tips of his lips dragged down. "I like boys." There. He'd said it out loud.

"Master Draco?"

He spun around to see Jassy staring up at him. "Yes?"

"Lady Narcissa has sent Jassy to tell Master Draco to hurry down. The guests will be arriving soon."

"Thank you Jassy." Draco was waiting for her to go, his heart pounding in his chest, had she heard him say he liked boys? But Jassy didn't leave. "Is that all?"

"You look sad Master Draco." The house elf observed timidly.

"Not sad. Only tiered."

"Jassy wonders why. After all, Master Draco hasn't actually been sick these last few days has he?"

Draco's shoulders stiffened and he was about to send her away. But he had to stop doing that. He couldn't just push away what he didn't want to face. "Not for real Jassy. But you mustn't tell. Understand?"

"Yes Master Draco." She shuffled her feet. "Jassy doesn't want to seem nosy but she wonders if Master Draco pretended to be sick because he didn't want to be in the company of...the Lady Felloraya's?"

He nodded. "That is why."

"Jassy understands sir. Jassy wished she could be sick."

Draco stared at Jassy, waiting for her to elaborate. When she didn't he inquired. "What did they say Jassy?"

"Jassy isn't sure she should say..."

"Jassy I've trusted you. Please trust me."

The house elf hesitated a moment longer before nodding. "Well, you see Master Draco, it's not so much what she said. More what she did..."

"What do you mean Jassy? Who's she, Cora or Meave?"

Jassy's eyes seemed to be watering a bit. "Jassy does not expect Master Draco to say anything but...the first of the two..." She seemed to be too emotional to talk. Draco wasn't sure what to do or say so he knelt down beside the house elf so she wouldn't fell intimidated by his height. Jassy hastily wiped her cheek of a tear that had slipped for her eye. She pulled back a corner of her blanket dress to reveal a large purple bruise.

Draco's eyes widened and so did Jassy's when she saw his reaction. She quickly covered up the mark. "Apologies Master Draco. Jassy should not have said anything. Jassy should go."

Draco shook his head in bewilderment. "Did she hit you?"

The house elf squeaked. "It's not of importa-"

"Jassy, did she hit you?"

The house elves eyes started watering again. "Yes." She breathed out quietly. "But it is fine. Jassy knows they are leaving soon."

"Has she done it more than once?"

"Only a couple times sir. Like Jassy said though, it's not of impo-"

"Jassy stop." The house elf stared at him, fear written all over her face. "It is of importance. I want you to tell me if she does it again. Okay?" She nodded hurriedly. "I know that my parents stopped after they had to let Dobby go because..." because of Harry. "It's not alright. Now go on. Tell my Mother I'll be down shortly."

"Yes Master Draco." With that she was gone.

He took one last deep breath, and just as he was straitening his collar Draco heard his Mother greet their first guest.


HAPPY PRIDE!! ❤️💛💚💙💜

Be unapologetic of who you are loves!! Y'all are beautiful and special!!

Also just throwing this out there that since Harry and Draco are closer in this AU Draco isn't as rude to the golden trio. This means that Ron and Hermione don't dislike him as much. No, they don't love him but they don't have as much against them.

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