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Draco's POV
SecondYear-Polyjuice Potion(and Christmas Eve)

Draco peered around the corner (making sure the corridor was Potter free) and to his surprise found a flustered Crabbe and Goyle with the goodie two shoes Weasley.
What was his name again? Peter? Something like that. Drawing his shoulders back, Draco strode toward the threesome.

"There you are," he sneered giving both of his housemates a once over, "I've been looking for you all evening. I've got something really funny to show you." He smirked to them then turned to Weasley letting a scowl take over his features. "What are you doing here?" He sneered at the insufferable redhead.

The other boys nostrils flared, but seemingly determined to defend his dignity he puffed out his chest. "I am a Prefect!" He announced "And you might want to show some respect, I for one don't like your attitude."

Draco cocked his head "Well then it's good I don't give a damn what you think of my attitude isn't it?"

"Mind your mouth Malfoy" Weasley warned. Draco almost laughed in the other boys face, thankfully he didn't because being the pompous prick of a Prefect Weasley was he likely would have docked 50 Slytherin house points.

So instead Draco settled for a sneer and motioned for Crabbe and Goyle to follow him.

Marching through the labyrinth of hallways Draco stayed ahead of the other boys. He bit the inside of his cheek, what would his father say if he knew Draco had just backed down to a Weasley. Stupid Weasley. What made them think they were better? Why were the Weasleys better then him? What did Potter see in that litter of blood traitors that he, Draco Malfoy, didn't have? He took a breath to even out his emotions. It was fine. The clipping his father had sent made up for it. Mostly. Weasley would stop acting as "on top of the world" when he saw the article in the Daily Prophet. Feeling better Draco called to the boys who were lagging behind him "You know I've seen that Peter Weasley-"

"It's Percy" Crabbe corrected.

Irritated at being interrupted Draco pushed on "Whatever. I've seen him sneaking about quite a lot lately and I reckon I know why. He thinks he's good enough to catch the Slytherin Heir and be announced a hero." There was some silence from Crabbe and Goyle at this news, which Draco thought was weird. Usually they would at the very least guffaw at his comments. He thought they would probably laugh even if he told them a kitten had just died.

Arriving at the stone wall that lead to the Slytherin Common Room Draco said "What's the new password?"

"Er-" Goyle seemed to be blanking, which Draco found unsurprising. The day Goyle knew the answer to any important question would be the day Draco would change his last name to Granger. Draco shuddered, filthy Mudblood. Suddenly the password came to him. "Oh yeah, Pureblood." The expanse of wall drew away to reveal the gloomy green room. "Stay here. My father just sent it by owl." Edging on giddy it took everything within Draco to not dash up to their dormitory. ("A Malfoy must always appear calm and collected.")

He snatched up the parchment from his bedside table and returned to the common room. Crabbe and Goyle had taken a seat on one of the couches. Shoving the clipping at them Draco sat opposite the two boys, a wicked grin curved his lips.

"Take a look at that!" He sneered triumphantly. He waited for their laughter but instead Crabbe, who had taken the clipping first, looked sick. Goyle snatched it from him and scanned the paragraph with wide eyes.

"Well?" Draco demanded impatiently. "Don't you think it's funny?"

Goyle cleared his throat and nudged Crabbe "yeah- er- really funny."

For the next half hour Draco proceeded to bash the Weasley clan, insult Dumbledore, and mimic Creevy. ("Potter, can I have your picture, Potter? Can I have your autograph? Can I lick your shoes Potter?") But for all his jokes, taunting, and teasing Crabbe and Goyle only stared at him blankly.

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