He does your hair

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

It was really hot out and you wanted to put your hair up.  You couldn't reach very well so you asked Kaito for help.

"Hey, Kaito.  Think you can help put my hair up?" You asked.  He stopped eating his ice cream and came to your aid.  You felt him mess with your hair.

"Done!" He smiled.  You turned to look in the mirror.  A mohawk!?

"Kaito...  I meant in like a ponytail..." You said, looking at your hair sticking up in the mirror.

"Oooh..." He said.

"How'd you even do this without hair gel or something?" You asked curiously.

"Glue." He said, smiling embarrassed.

"Glue?!" You hurriedly ran into the bathroom to wash the glue out of your hair before it dried.  Kaito apologized afterwards and took you out to get ice cream.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

You and Len were messing around in the yard.  Next thing you knew, you were on the ground.  When you got up, Len noticed something stuck in your hair.

"There's something in your hair." He took a strand of your hair and showed it to you.

"Gum?!  That's going to be a pain to get out..." You sighed.

"Don't worry, I got you."  Len escorted you back inside the house and sat you at the dining room table.  He went behind you and started trying to yank the glob of gum out.

"Ow!  Don't just yank it!" You said in pain.  He stopped and thought to himself.  The internet must have an answer!  He grabbed his phone and googled his question.  He decided to try peanut butter.  He went to the kitchen and got a jar of peanut butter.

"What's that for?" You asked.  He wasn't going to put that in your hair... was he? 

"Google says it's good for getting gum out." He twisted the jar open and scooped a glob of it out and put it in your hair.  Then he slid the gum out.

"It's out!" He tossed the gum in the trash.

"Im going to wash this out." You got up from your chair and left to shower.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

You were trying to do your hair nice for your friends birthday party.  You decided to look online for inspiration.  You found a cute hairstyle that almost looked like a butterfly. 

"Hey, Gakupo.  Can you do this to my hair?" You asked.  Gakupo out down his tea cup and looked at your phone.

"I'll try." He scooted behind you and started messing with your hair.  About twenty minutes passed before he finished.

"What do you think?" He handed you a mirror.

"Wow!  This is amazing!  Thank you!" You gave him a kiss on the cheek and went to the other room to finish getting ready.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

You were getting ready to leave for school.  You wanted to do something different with you hair.

"Piko?  Can you braid my hair?" You asked. 

"I'll try..." He stood behind you and started doing your hair. 

"This is the best I could do..." He said.  You turned to look in the mirror.  Your hair was in a very sloppy braid.

"On second thought, I'll wear my hair down today." You said.  You didn't want to tell him he was horrible at braiding.

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