When you trip

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

"Y/N HURRY BEFORE IT LEAVES!" The blue haired boy cheerfully said, running towards the ice cream truck with super speed. You tried to keep up, but only got slower the further you went.

"Wait... For me!" You called out, panting. You didn't notice a large crack in the sidewalk, and you face planted into the concrete.

"Y- Y/N are you alright?!" Kaito ran back. You sat up, tears pricking your eyes. Your legs and hand were stinging and bleeding terribly, along with some scraped on your face.

"Oh no! You're not okay! Don't worry! I'll carry you!" The blue male then picked you up bridal style all the way home, where he cleaned you up.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

"Hey, Y/N! Go get the ball!" The shota yelled from across the yard. You were playing volleyball and Len smacked the ball a bit too far... Meaning he smacked it into the neighbors rose bush. You ran up to the ball and just before the bush, you tripped over a hose and tripped face first into the rose bush.

"Y/N! Are you okay? That looked painful?" Len ran up to you. You sat up and picked a thorn off of your cheek, which let out some blood.

"Ouch... Let's ask your mom for help..." You say to the concerned boy.

"Y- Yeah good idea." Len grabbed the ball carefully from the bush and ran home with you, where Len's mom picked out a good amount of thorns from your face.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

"That's it. Just 58 more baskets." Gakupo said as you carried his life time supply of eggplant into the house. You thought you had already cleared the stairs, but little did you know there was still one more step. You stepped forward and lost your balance, falling and spilling the eggplants everywhere.

"NOT THE EGGPLANT! OH NO PLEASE DONT BE BRUISED!" Gakupo began to pick up the fallen eggplants.

"Ahem..." You coughed. Gakupo snapped out if his emotional moment and helped you up.

"You're not bruised... right?" He asked.

"No..." You looked down at a squashed eggplant on the floor. He then went back to crying over his spilled eggplants.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

"Piko? Do you want something while I'm up?" You said to the boy, who was fixated on the movie playing in front of him.

"Some more popcorn would be nice." He said, giving you his bucket. You were about to leave the dark room when you tripped over the couch and fell with a thud. Piko heard you fall and grew concerned.

"Y- Y/N! A- Are you okay?!" Piko ran to your side. You sat up and held your knee. Both of your faces were close together, so you kissed the boy's cheek. He blushed madly in response.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking." You smiled, blushing slightly.

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