He gets a pet

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

You came home from school to find Kaito sitting on the floor, waving a string around in front of a kitten.

"Y/N! Look what I found! Her name's Vanilla!" He said, picking up the snow white kitty.

"Aw~! She's adorable!" You picked up the kitten and stroked her head.

"I even spent some of my ice cream money on cat stuff!" He smiled. That's how you know he's serious- when he spends his ice cream money. From then on you had a snow white kitten romping around the house.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

Len came home from school holding a cage and some shopping bags.

"Hey, Y/N! Look what I picked up at the pet store!" He said excitedly. He showed you the cage, where a little orange and white hamster was spinning on a wheel.

"Wow! I've always wanted a hamster! What're we gonna name it?" You eagerly said.

"Hm... The store said it's a boy... And he's orange... So how about Cheeto?" He said, giggling at the silly name.

"That's perfect!" You smiled at your new pet. Ever since, you almost always heard the noise of Cheeto running in his wheel.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

You came home to be greeted by a black cat. Was this a sign..?

"Hey, Y/N! I found this kitten in a box while I was on my way home, so I decided to keep him." He said, holding the pure black cat in his arms.

"He's a cute one, what's his name?" You asked as you pet the cat's head.

"I thought Midnight was a cute name." He smiled. The kitten squirmed in his arms, trying to get down.

"That's a great name!" You gave Midnight a kiss. After then, you both had a kitty joining you in the tea room every morning.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

Piko walked into the house with a large box, along with some shopping bags. He seemed eager and happy when he walked in.

"Y/N! Look what I got!" He said, beginning to open the box. A black and white bunny hopped out into your arms.

"Wow! A bunny! I've always wanted one of these!" You said, holding the animal to your chest.

"Me too! What do you want to name him?" Piko asked with sparkles in his eyes.

"How about Fluffy? Because he's super soft?" You asked.

"That's great!" He said, giving the rabbit a kiss on the head. Since that moment you both had a fluffy bunny to play with together.

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