They give you a present

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

"Y/N-san?  Where are you?  I got you something!" The blue haired boy called to his lover.  He walked down the hall, tracing the wall with a finger, and holding an icy blue box in the other.  He passed the room you were in, and you jumped out and tackled him from behind.  He made a surprised noise and you giggled into his ear. 

"Y/N!  Open it!" The boy gave you the box.  You opened it and seen a beautiful necklace with a sparkly snowflake pendant.  You looked up to see Kaito smiling down at you.  You smiled back and hugged him. 

"I love it.  Thanks." You admired the crystals shining in the light.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

"Len-kun!  You're home finally!" You said, meeting the shota at the door.

"Yup.  And guess what I got for you." Len said, beginning to dig through his bags to find your present.

"Oh!  Is it food?" You asked, eyes sparkling.  Len pulled out a banana.  Yup, just a plain ol nanner.

"A... Banana?" You said, taking the yellow fruit from the boy.

"You don't like it..?  I worked hard to find the perfect one for you..." Len seemed to feel slightly offended at your reaction. 

"I don't like it... I love it!" You said, becoming cheerful once more.  "Let's go make a sundae with it!" You dragged the blonde with you to the kitchen, where you stuffed yourselves with ice cream and bananas.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

"Y/N~ I have something for you~" Gakupo said from the door of your room.  You put your laptop away for now.

"What?" You said, standing up.  The purple haired boy pulled a box out from behind his back and gave it to you.  You read the label.

"Tea?" You said, examining the box.

"You said you'd been feeling tired lately, and I heard this specific brand helps so..." He explained.

"Aw, thanks." You hugged him and he blushed slightly.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

"Close your eyes!  No peeking!" You closed your eyes for Piko.  Then felt something cold go around your neck.

"Now open!" You obeyed and opened your eyes, looking down at what was around you neck. 

"Oh my gosh, thank you!" You said to the boy, who smiled and blushed slightly.  A heart shaped locket was around your neck.  Inside was a picture of you and Piko.  You smiled back.

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