You fight over something stupid

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

You and Kaito had just chased down an ice cream truck. You both only had $5.00 to your name, and Kaito wanted the most expensive thing on the menu- The SpongeBob popsicle.

"But Kaito, if you get that then I won't be able to get anything!" You argued.

"Please? Just this once?" Kaito begged with puppy dog eyes.

"You say that a million times, Kaito." You said. "Why don't you just get this cheaper popsicle? It's the same flavor as the SpongeBob one." You pointed to the picture on the side of the truck.

"But it's not SpongeBob shaped!" He shook his head.

"Fine. You can get it. But next time I won't be so generous." You sighed. Kaito's face lit up as he got his desired ice cream.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

You were spending your Sunday morning cleaning the house. The mess had built up over the week, and you were sick of having to walk around it all. You'd just finished the kitchen and left to the living room. When you a went back to the kitchen you seen Len making a mess in there right after you'd just cleaned it.

"Len? What're you doing?! I just cleaned this up a few minutes ago!" You said, upset that your hard work was done for nothing.

"I'm craving banana split." He said, piling on another pile of bananas onto his mountain if ice cream.

"Are you kidding me?! Look at the mess you've made! There's food all over the floor!" You complained.

"Oh, yeah, I spilled some..." He chuckled nervously.

"You're cleaning this up. I don't want to see a single speck of ice cream in this kitchen." You said, angrily stomping out of the room.

"Okay, mom!" Len sighed as he ate his sundae.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

"It's pronounced 'Library'." You corrected.

"Really? I'm pretty sure it's pronounced 'Libary'." He said.

"Nope. There's an R after the B." You said.

"Isn't it silent or something? It doesn't sound right to me." He held his chin in his hands.

"Well it's the right way to say it." You sighed in annoyance.

"I don't know... I'll just say it how I want." He said. You let out a 'tsk' and gave up.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

You and Piko were at the grocery store. You only had twenty bucks to spend, so you were only to spend it on necessities.

"Let's get some chocolate." You said, picking up some Kit-kats from a shelf.

"But we don't need them, do we?" He said.

"Well I'm craving chocolate." You said, leaving the aisle.

"But aren't we only supposed to buy what we need? We could just wait until next week when we have more money..." Piko said, looking at the various products you saw as you walked by.

"Ugh... I don't need a reason for buying chocolate." You said, annoyed at his nagging. All you wanted was to sit around and watch TV with some chocolate. Was that too much to ask?

"Fine..." Piko replied, giving up.

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