When you cry

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

You were watching TV when an animal shelter commercial came on. You started to cry because the puppies looked so sad...

"Y/N?! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Kaito asks, wiping your hair away and drying your face with a tissue. You pointed at the TV, which still had the commercial on, and then Kaito started crying too. You both cried until the floor was full of tissues, then you both fell asleep and didn't remember why you were crying in the first place.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

You had just made the best sandwich in the history of sandwiches- It was just big enough that you could bite into it, and had all the fixings, perfectly arranged so you could taste all of the ingredients in one bite. You were walking to the living room to eat it when you slipped on a banana peel that must've fallen out of the trash, dropping the precious sandwich on to the floor. Seeing your precious food spilled on the floor... It drove you to tears!

"What happened..?" Len asked, running over to you. "Why's there food all over the floor?"

"My perfect sandwich! It's ruined!" You bawled. Len picked you up and sat with you on the couch, telling you sweet things until you stopped crying.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

You went out of your way to buy some super high quality tea for you and Gakupo to enjoy, but when you left the store, it looked as if it had rained. It didn't seem like a problem, until a car drove by, splashing your entire body with water, along with the tea.

"No..!" You gasped, watching the tea inside the cloth bag seep out and drip onto the wet concrete. You ran home with tears falling from your eyes. When you got home Gakupo was laying in the sun relaxing and heard your cries.

"Y/N? What happened?" Gakupo said after seeing your dripping clothes.

"I bought some high end tea for us to share, but then a car splashed me and now it's ruined..!" You sniffled, wiping your eyes.

"Don't worry! Go dry off and I'll see if I can fix this." He said, taking the dripping bag and motioning you off to change. When you got back, Gakupo had the tea fixed and prepared for you.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

You were watching a really sad movie and in the end you started bawling.

"Y- Y/N..? Is something wrong..?" Piko asked after he heard you crying.

"He... It's so sad!" You cried. Piko sat with you and stroked your hair as you explained the entire movie to him.

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