They build a pillow fort with you

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ıllıllı Kaito ıllıllı

You and Kaito were going to watch a movie together after you came home. When you walked in, Kaito stood on a mountain of pillows, blankets, Anne couch cushions.

"Why'd you take all the bedding off?" You sat next to him.

"So we could build a pillow fort!" He smiles.

"Really? I haven't built one of those in years!" You eagerly started building the fort with him. When you were finished it looked more like a castle than a fort. He grabbed a giant tub of ice cream that you both shared as you watched the movie together.

ıllıllı Len ıllıllı

You and Len sat on the floor and was about to watch a movie.

"The floor is kinda hard... Why don't we build a pillow fort?" You suggested.

"Sure." You both started building. But whenever you finished it it would just fall down again. Finally you gave up.

"Ugh!" You smacked Len on the back with your pillow. He smacked you back on the side of your face. A pillow fight broke out and you both collapsed from exhaustion on top of the mountain of pillows and blankets.

ıllıllı Gakupo ıllıllı

"I'm cold..." You complained to Gakupo.

"But you're wearing all of the blankets." He looked over at you underneath the layers of blankets.

"But I can still feel the draft." You covered your face with the blanket.

"I'll build you a new house that doesn't have a draft then." He started taking some pillows and blankets and making a fort out of them. You emerged from your blankets to help him. When it was done, you both went inside the warm fort and watched TV together.

ıllıllı Piko ıllıllı

You came home after a long rough day. You flopped onto the couch and groaned. Piko heard you and came to see you.

"How was your day?" He sat next to you.

"Horrible..." You mumbled into the couch.

"Oh... Do you want to be alone?" He asked.

"No... I just want to relax with you." You said.

"Do you want to build a pillow fort with me?" He asked with a little excitement in his voice.

"Sure..." You got up and threw the couch cushions onto the floor and grabbed all of the pillows and blanket in the house, then built a huge fort with them. Afterwards, you both went inside and watched YouTube together.

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