He is Gone.

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Callie's POV

 i then without thinking turn  off my car right there and jump out of the car and try to get to Brandon. im in tears by now and i just can't belive he is the one who was in the crash. well i think it was a hit and run.  The police try and keep me back but i push though them. i run to his side. He is bleeding so much i take off my jacket and put it on his chest so it will clean him up a bit i hope.  " exuse me miss but im going to have to ask you to get off the scene now" he tells me Does he really think i will leave. because i wont.  " im sorry but i can't, im staying with hiim i then quickly go park my car and get Taylor and Katylin out of the car. Taylor is crying just like me but Katylin is so confused and doesn't know what to think. Soon the ambulance arives and we follow him to the hospital. I then go in and we wait in the waiting room for news. anything.I hate hopsitals. This was where i once was and Brandon was in the waiting room.  I hated how somehow one of us always ended up in the hopspital. Soon i see a nurse walk out. " Callie Jacob" she says i quickly jump up and she walks over. " so um Brandon he is in critical condition. His chances of living are slim. We are sorry, but he looks to us like he only has hours left." she said and then left. I am still trying to process what she said. Soon as i get what she just said to me i go outside for a mintute. i then scream at the top of my lungs, i could care less if i loose my voice. Hours, he only has hours they thought. well im going to not waste any second. i quickly go back in and the nurse takes me and the girls to Brandon. What  i see shocks me. He has so many tubes conected to him and he doesn't look good. i need to fucking know what happend to him so i can make who ever did this to him pay the price.  I then go and hold his  hand.  its so cold and i start crying " Brandon you have to make it, i can't do life without you." i say " meeting you was the best thing that has ever happend to me, if i lose you im never going to love again, your the only one for me Brandon"  i say trying not to sound too cheesy.  " I Love you Brandon, forever and always you will have my heart. soon i hear  *BEEP* i know this sound way too well. its the flat line sound. "NO NO NURSE GET IN HERE, HELP HELP SOMEONE HELP. NO NO" I say crying the hardest i ever have in my life. They try to revive him but it doesn't look like it is working. I am pushed out of the room and back into  the waiting room. About 5 mintute later she comes back out. " Callie, im sorry, but Brandon is dead, we couldn't revive him. We are sorry for your loss" she says and walks out.  The tears don't stop coming, i  get Taylor and we both cry together. The only things i have left of him is Katylin. She is half me and half him. She is a reminder of what love is. We made her and she is beautiful and the best. I also have the ring he gave me and i when we get back will never take it off, he will always be mine.

 Then i thought of the negitives. i never got to say goodbye or apoligize for bieng a dumb ass. and i never will. i never got to put back that ring he gave me when i was with him. I will never get to walk down the asile to him. i will never be Callie Foster. I  will never have another kid with him. i wanted more in time not soon but later in life.i will never have a honeymoon with him. i will never hear him tell me he loves me. i will never see him with the girls again. i will never  kiss him. i will never feel safe again in his arms. i will never be able to be whole again.  I will never be able to have someone there for me, my best friend, my lover.   RIP Brandon Foster. You are Forever in my heart. 

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