Telling the Moms.

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Brandon's POV

I can't belive im getting married to Callie.  It still hasn't hit me.  I never pictured myself at 19 getting married but now i wouldn't have it any other way.The ring looked stuning on her. We still have to tell the moms and my brother and sister.  We told Taylor about it, she gets most of it, some parts she is still to young to understand though.  I wish we could tell Katylin but at 4 months almost you wouldn't get it.   We had gotten a wedding planner to help plan.  The wedding we decided would be in Febuary 2016.We  needed time to plan and so i couldn't be this year we knew for a fact so  we decided on early next year. The wedding planner was a man, suprisingly, he had done many weddings before though and even had done some for famous people. His name was Luca.    We did only a little each day. For today we wanted to pick where the wedding would be.  Callie thought it should be on the beach, i liked the idea since we could  do that very easily  since our house is near a beach.  We decided on that and he liked the idea too. He had then left the house and it was about 4pm when he left. We decided to play with Taylor.  She loved dress up.  She loves Belle and always pretends to be her. Her  Blonde hair is getting so long and her blue eyes are as blue as the ocean.She's growing up so fast i can't belive it.  Its crazy  that im a father.  It was the last night of March tonight and tomorrow would be a new month and a time for new memories.   We were super excited because we would be calling the moms tonght to tell them the news.  I got the phone and diled their number.  "hello , mom , me and Callie have somthing to tell you,"i said into the phone.  I then put the phone on speaker. we both said we are getting married in a loud voice.   We were acting like little kids but whatever, we couldn't be more thrilled with our engagment.   i could hear Mom and Lena telling the twins and then they yelled in the phone "CONGRANTS GUYS". Me and Callie laughed at that.  we knew the moms wernt too pleased but we need them to know. It would be a small wedding because we didn't know too many people. Once we hung up with them.  I huged Callie and we took Taylor up to bed.  We read her a story  and kissed her head and she fell fast asleep. Me and Callie stayed up and talked about the wedding while i held Katylin. I  then laied Katylin down  and picked up my guitar and me and Callie had a jam out session.   We then had a quick snack and went up to get ready for bed. it was 11pm when we finally tucked Katylin in but she was fast asleep anyway. We then went to our bed and i kissed Callie's forehead  and told her i loved her.  Tomorrow i know would be a new day. a new month with Callie and my girls. i closed my eyes, excited to see what tomorrow had to offer.

april  2016 is the next chapter well  thats when it will be set. the wedding is in  10 months. ahh   im excited.  ill update again when i get back from my trip which is not going to be for 2 weeks )=  ill try to do it asap i promise you all ilysm -Eliza. 

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