Saying Goodbye For Now.

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Callie's POV

We soon arive at Girls United. I get my clothes that i had packed and other stuff because who knows how long ill be staying here. Soon the door opens and i see this lady " hello, you must be Callie/" she says to me. i nod and then me and Brandon and Taylor and Katylin go in.  " so i see you brought your who family didnt you, you have adroable sisters and your brother looks nice" she whispers to me. " Um he isnt my brother  well he is but actually hes  more like my friend i guess you could say. and um they are my daugthers. Taylor we adopted and Katylin i had about 2 months ago, she is our daugther." i say looking down. " I remember none of this though, i guess, lost my memory because i died and was revived." i tell her. " well im Rita first off and  im sorry but im going to have to Call  CPS and have Katlyin taken away from you Brandon" she tells me. " I swear i WONT let CPS lay a fucking finger on her, she is Mine and Callie's," he says his face is turning red. " well you 3 can stay because CPS is on there way and Katylin will be going into better hands, what you two did was stupid  and illegal." she tells us as she goes inot a room to wait for CPS. " HOW THE HELL IS WHAT WE DID STUPID? WE WERE TWO TEENAGERS IN LOVE AND OUR TAYLOR ALMOST DIED AND SHE WANTED A SIBLING FOR HER 5TH BIRTHDAY SO WE GAVE HER ONE,SHE IS OURS THEY BOTH ARE YOU ARENT TOUCHING ETHIER OF THEM" Brandon says furious now.  Soon though we see that they are here. " we are here for Katylin Foster." they say.  "Daddy , what is happening " i hear Taylor say scared. She is shaking and crying now.   Soon before i can process it they take Katylin from Brandon and she imediantly starts crying. Brandon is trying as hard as he can to get her back but before he can they leave. Brandon picks up Taylor and hugs her and they both cry. " well you two should go, but you can come back on family day which is friday if you want" she tells him.  " mommy, come on" i hear Taylor say.  i stand there unable to move. She keeps pulling my arm.  " i cant go with you Taylor im sorry, go with Daddy" i say.  she then runs away form me and Brandon picks her up.  " goodbye Callie" he says to me and closes the door. I stand there still unable to move, until Rita says to me " come Callie , i have to introduce you to evreyone.

oooo like?  i tried my best im so mad Katylin is in the hands of CPS now though. it isnt fair</3</3

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