Better off Alone.

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Callie's POV cont

i ran upstairs and got some things togeher. Things like this reminded me of when my dad and mom fought and they threw things.  They told me to go upstairs and i did but i snuck down and saw what they did to eachother. It was terrible. i hated when my dad raised his voice at my mom.  i never knew that this would happen to me , nor did i knew it would be Brandon who would do this. He was always the sweetest guy ever and i never knew he could yell that loud or try and grab hold of me after. It also made me go back to thinking about Liam. All these things went though my head and i wondered what had i done to deserve any of this. All i was doing  was having a good time with Luca. I didn't know laughing and hugging was a crime. I knew though that i DIDN'T need someone looking out for me 24/7. im perfectly independent on my own. I knew though that i couldn't leave my girls again. The last time this happend was when i found that note that Tayla had written. That was so stupid of me to run away. But this time it wasn't a stupid reason, he had scared me and i shouldn't be somewhere where im scared. It reminded me of my Childhood and what my mom went though.  I then get up with my stuff and go and get Taylor and Katylin ready. " mommy where are we going?" she asks confused. " i don't know Taylor bu somewhere where i know you me and your sister will be safe. I then take her hand and pick up Katylin's carrier and go downstairs and go to the door but right as i turn the door handle i hear him. " Callie , can we talk about earlier?" he asked me. "I take a deep breath trying to keep the tears in and say" Brandon i need a break, i  don't know what got into you earlier or why you felt you had to raise your voice at me. " Cal i-" he tries to say . i cut him off saying" no, Brandon im sorry, but i don't need any sympothy from anyone right now,. i just thought we knew  and trusted eachother better  but i guess not. My mom was right , i am better off alone." i say as turn the door handle and take the girls out with me.

a better chapter  comming soon this one wasnt good ik but i wanted to update so.

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