Let me Explain.

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Brandon's POV

see THIS is why i hate hospitals. Callie has forgotten evreything.  I Need to get her to remember. I refue to let my children grow up without their mom. She isn't back from her walk yet  but me and Taylor are in her room waiting for her return. I hold Katylin in my arm and kiss her head.  She has been crying since Callie left.  She is a mommy's girl. Taylor  is daddy's girl though. She loves playing with me and when i act silly she giggles and it i the cutest thing ever. " shh Katylin, mommy will be back soon ok." i try and tell her but she won't stop crying till Callie returns i know.  Soon Callie walks back into the room. I get up  and hand Katylin to her. " she has been crying for you since you left." i tell her.  She looks at Katylin and smiles, and Katylin smiles back and gigles. " so um Brandon i think right?" She ask again. " Yah im Brandon." i repond  " um can you tell me how you ended up being my boyfriend and how we eneded up with two kids please" she asked worried.   " yah so you were my foster sister and i was dating this bitch named Tayla and you ran away because you loved me and you went to NYC and found Taylor and took her in, and um i found you two and we went back to California . A lot of Drama happend in between inculding the moms kicking us out because they didnt accept our relationship and  Taylor almost dying.  we were both heartbroken. You told me that you remembered  that Taylor's only wish for her birthday was to have a little brother or sister.  You told me that you wanted to give that to her. So you got pregnant with Katylin and she was born on your birthday December 18th 2014. You and her share a birthday , she was born on your 19th birthday. Taylor was born on June 4th 2009. anyway from then we were at home and things were going well untill you found this letter that Tayla wrote saying i dont love you and stuff and NONE of it is true. I love you more then anyone else.I can't imaginen a world without you in it Callie.  So you ran with the girls to NYC and ran into your dad and he and you fought and he shot you in the chest. and you came back to cali and to this hopstial and when you woke up a few hours ago you told me you didnt remember me which made my heart break."  i  finish.  " wow um. i still don't remember any of that but what you told me seamed like me and you were very happy together and these two are preicous."  she says.  "But maybe you should find someone else to help you raise them, i am terrible with kids." she says handing Katlyin back to Brandon. " Callie i don't want anyone else. I want you and only you"  i  tells her. Then i take her hand.   She looks down. " look maybe you should go back to Tayla or whatever because i can't help raise kids even if they are mine" she says and goes to the corner of the room. " Callie , Tayla has many issues,and the kids hate her and love you and only you, Katlyin has missed you the most,we need you Callie "  i say. " im sorry but can we start off by being friends again and you can help me remember?"  she asks " sure i would love that"  i say " She smiles at me for the first time since this happend. I will  help her be better and to remember. hopefully one day we will be back to where we were. One thing for sure im not letting Callie go ever agin. 

sorry ik terrible it is jsut what came to mind 


ik terrible just wrote what came to my mind xo 

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