B&C&T But We Still Need K

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Brandon's POV

A million thoughts are running though my head.  i hope she is ok, and safe even though i doubt that she is. Taylor told me that the man that took her, while she was in the bathroom covered callie's mouth so for a little bit she couldn't breathe. It killed me to know that i wasn't there to stop that form happening.  She must hate me now. I just stood there with Taylor and didn't even try and go after her. All i did was Call her name. im so stupid, i hate myself for this.  Son though  my phone buzzes, its a  privite caller but i pick it up anyway " hello who is this " i ask. " Brandon it's me, Callie" i hear her say to me. " Oh my gosh Callie, where are you, ive been worried sick.hoping you would call" i tell her " im with my brother at his house, he says you can come visit, ill text you the adress now, so hope to see you and Taylor soon" she says to me and hangs up. With that Me and Taylor are off to her brothers house.  We soon pull into the driveway. I  get out of the car and open the back door tohelp Taylor out but before i can i see someone running towards me. It Callie. I  pause what im doing and let her jump into my arms. I almost fall to the ground because of how fast she was running.  We hug for a long bit but soon break apart and She PIcks up Taylor and we all have a group hug. " Ive missed you so much Mommy" Taylor says " ive missed you both so much, i have gained a lot of memory back.  She then turns to me. " i remember us, all the amazing times we had together." she says, i can tell she really does because tears start to form in her eyes. it's amazing that she remembers, she then tells me as we are walking in what she remembers. Soon we are in the house and i see a guy come down the stairs. " Brandon this is Mason my brother" she says " so this is "him" he says. " yep, i say as i go stand next to Brandon and he puts his arm around me. " oh this is Taylor  one of my daugthers, we adopted her  "SHe tells him as Taylor says hello. " awe she is so cute and  wait you two  have more then one kid." he asked us. " yes  we have our  biological daugther Katylin is in foster care" Callie said before  she broke down and cried into my chest.  " we will get her back Callie, i promise, she is ours" i tell her. " so how did you two meet , im curious" he asked Callie and i. " we met when Callie, came into my family's home, when she was 17." i told Mason." so he was your foster brother" he asks. " yah he was."  i say looking down.  " well as long as Callie is happ im happy, just don't hurt her" Mason tells me. " i wont, i promise and if i do you have permision to hurt me or even kill me" i say. " good then Callie you can have him over whenever you want" Mason tells her.  " um actually Mason, Brandon and i have to go home, and Get Katylin back. But i promise to visit."she tells him " I can't believe your all grown up Callie, i remember when you were born and now look at you , happy with a family and a great guy" he says and hugs her.   Soon we get into my car though and drive off, she takes my hand and we hold hands the whole ride home. 

awe good renunion and im glad Mason likes Brandon aren't you. but will they get Katylin back.... hmm....

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