Chapter 43: Signs of Instability

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As I was driving my way over to Mason's house, a thought crossed my mind, and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. What if this is it?

What if this is him telling me how he feels about us?

I already hated keeping this from Ev, but if he says anything more about us, it might mean that he and I are official. Whatever that means.

Do I want him for myself?

Of course, I do. Any girl would. No one has ever made me giggle the way he has, whether during sex or after. Anyway, it wasn't just sex anymore. We spent all of our spare time together.

~ [Flashback] ~

"What are you doing home?" I asked Mason as he closed his front door.

"You said you wanted to watch some TV," he shrugged. His dark waves laid effortlessly on his stupid perfectly shaped head. Why's this guy gotta be so hot?

"Yeah, it wasn't an invite." I plopped a french fry in my mouth, chewing obnoxiously. I tried to ignore his stare, but after a while, I asked, "What?"

He held his gaze, which consisted of a strange expression- wonder? -and then shook his head before noting, "It's my place, though."

"With a giant flat screen, thanks buddy!" I punched him in the shoulder and grinned. He chuckled as he snatched a fry from my pile and nibbled. I glared at him before pointing at the brown bag. "Yours are in there."

"Oh? So you say you didn't think I'd come, but you still bought extra fries for me," he asked as he dug through the bag to get his fries out. The look of pure joy in his eyes made me laugh.

"That's 'cause you always come."

"You bet your ass I always come," he leaned over and planted a kiss on my lips, leaving me shocked and seeing stars. "I'd rather hang out with you than be at work."

"Still haven't talked to your parents?" I looked at him with worry.

"I don't know if I should. I'm not even on good speaking terms with Liam. It's just not a good time."

I reached over to rest my hand on his, and as his eyes followed, he pulled his hand out to engulf mine. The warmth of his palm radiated throughout my body, and as I tried to remain calm, I wanted to do so much more.

He had been conflicted about the whole situation since he found out that he and Liam were half-brothers. And even more, that they were switched at birth.

There were a million things to think about and I'm sure they've all crossed his mind in the past few weeks. One thing I've gotten him to confess was that he wasn't sure if this fact would mend his relationship with Liam or drive them further apart.

I didn't like to admit to myself that seeing him this way broke my heart. Because it did. It made me hate that I have no say, that I'm not important enough to cheer him up. We both knew Ev would have done the job. After all, she was the first he wanted this much. And while I wanted to be more to him, I knew I'm nothing more than a bitch for betraying my friend every time I'm with him, even though they're broken up.

He's spoken less and less of Ev recently, and that's given me hope, but it also made me realize that if he ever wants me, I'd have to tell her. I'm never gonna be ready for that sh!t.

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