Chapter 8: Dick in Need of Wheelchair

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Note: There's like three characters' POVs in this chapter. They're all labelled so I hope there won't be any confusion. ~ My

~ [Mason] ~

Everything in my life suddenly didn't matter anymore as this irreplaceable girl in my arms pulled me closer and closer. I could smell her intoxicating scent and while I was happy hitching my breath to keep kissing her, I was also tempted to inhale the swirls of her rosy fragrance and commit it to memory.

She was making sounds that did inexplicable things to my body, sending chills down my spine and involuntary noises from my throat. The skin of her back felt so good against my fingertips and as I urged for her to come closer, she responded by thrusting herself against me, making me hope for things I shouldn't. At least not now. Not this soon.

I wanted to savor every moment with her. While I knew her for a long time, I also haven't really seen her for a whole year. It was the worst year of my life.

Once I had met a girl like Evelyn, there really was no turning back. She's so difficult to explain, even now as she had clearly changed into this confident woman. There's always been a shyness about her that I found adorable, masked by an I don't give a fvck attitude, coated in a neutral existence.

She never fought anyone over anything because she didn't care what others thought, which always bothered me because everyone always had plenty of things to say about her, despite knowing so little about her.

The shyness was there all the time, building an invisible wall around her, and it was the reason I didn't get to speak to her until the end of sophomore year. But when I finally did, it was like putting on eyeglasses for the first time, or finally having clear sinuses for the first time. She was that breath of fresh air that brought color to my life, the clear rainbow after a cloudy rainstorm.


"Hey," Liam greeted me with his usual dumb grin that always made me return, "so this is Evelyn. Apparently, IF you're close enough, you can call her Ev."

The girl was half a foot shorter than Liam and me, but her presence in my view was all consuming. She had light skin that looked really soft to touch, but I wasn't going to be THAT creep. Her hair was a beautiful dark brown that fell in muted waves down her back, shining healthily under the sun rays. Her eyes were on her hands, which were fidgeting adorably, but as she looked up at me, I was taken aback by the way her dark lashes lined her stunningly bright green eyes. She's absolutely gorgeous.

She rolled her eyes at him and turned to me to reluctantly offer her hand for me to shake. Who could look that good while rolling their eyes? I've seen girls do that and look possessed. I took her hand and instead of shaking, I pulled her in for a short lived embrace. As I pulled away, I noticed her wide eyes and it made me smirk.

"Can I call you Ev yet?" I asked shamelessly.

"No, I wasn't even told your name yet," she countered with a knowing smile. She hadn't said anything suggestive, but her tone seemed flirty. God, I hope she's flirting with me.

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