9. They are coming for us!

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Updating a little earlier than Saturday! Yay!

My Wattpad love is finally released in the e-book version. If you want to buy one, let me know in the comments! 


Chapter Nine


“We’ll follow you,” Nadia said jumping inside Nash’ highlander Truck. I was gawking at the beautiful vehicle in front of me. It was even newer and more luxurious than Shane’s truck.

As I walked to Lau’s old ride; I realized the twins had money. I hadn’t taken a moment before to notice they wore branded clothes. Everything about them was elegant and classy.

Why would they come here to finish high school?

They could go to private school but they chose to go here. That didn’t make any sense.

“You alright?” Lau questioned when I got inside her car.

“Yeah, I just… did you see that truck?” I had to ask.

Lau nodded in understanding, “Yes, I was thinking the same. They have money, huh?”

“There’s something fishy about them,”

Lau drove off, “Why? Because they have money?”

“I don’t know. I just have a weird feeling about them,”

“Don’t be paranoid, Jules,”

I let out a sigh, “You’re right.” I turned on my seat take a look behind us. The truck was following us, I could see Nadia chatting animatedly on the phone whilst Nash was driving in silence. His ocean blue eyes met mine and I swallowed, getting back to my seat.

When we were finally in my house, I went in first to fix the mess around my living room. Haven’t you done that before? Organizing things just when your guests are about to come inside?

“Welcome!” I said enthusiastically as I let them in.

“Nice place,” Nadia said politely, “But why are you living so far from town?” she asked while her twin was scanning around the house with scrutiny.

“Well, mom…” I trailed off, “we are moving out next week so this is probably our last movie night here,” I explained not wanting to fall into the whole ‘Mom waiting for my absence Dad topic, “Have a seat,” I gestured them to the main couch. Lau was in the kitchen doing God knows what. She was probably eating my food.

What is it with best friends and eating your food?

“The wait is over!” Jason exclaimed, walking inside.

“Do you really need to make such dramatic entries?” I asked tiredly.

He grinned, “Of course, it’s part of my killer personality,” he handed me a bag of candies and snacks. Helen showed up behind him with a shy smile.

“Hey, Jules,” she waved at me. She looked lovely with a flowered green summer dress that matched her eyes.

Guess I wasn’t the only one who still had outfits for summer.  

“Come inside,” I moved towards the living room where I found a frozen Jason standing behind the couches.

I cleared my throat, “Guys, this is Jason and his girlfriend Helen,” I looked at Jason to say the twins name as well. They all smiled at each other, “Have a seat,” I said to my friends, pointing out one of the single’s couch.

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