Chapter Fourteen

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I sat alone in the bedroom for a few more minutes, listening to the clash of thunder and watching the bright lightening streak across the sky outside. In a way, it was peaceful, because the noise kept my brain busy and it didn't wonder back to Tyson. I felt like crying, but I wasn't one to get all teary about something. Maybe it was just a spurr of the moment, because I was pretty sure I'd never like Tyson. Even though he's changing slowly, he's just not the type of person who I'd generally fall for. But then why did I tell myself I really like him and get all worked up when he said he was joking about asking me out.

I rubbed my forehead, groaning and letting my eyes slip shut. This really was turning out to be a bad day. I let myself fall back onto the bed, laying atop the covers, my head resting comfortably on the pillow. And in that position I stayed for a very long time, not moving, just not worrying about the world. I let my mind wonder to far away places and eventually I fell asleep, a soft dreamless sleep, almost like a doze.

I only woke up when I heard the bathroom window slide shut and footsteps walk past the bedroom door. So Tyson had snuck out, I wonder what he got up to.. I lazily opened my eyes, rubbing them with my hands. I looked at the clock on the far wall and sighed to myself, it was Nine O'clock. The rain was falling down slower now, and the thunder had seemed to stop. Where lightening was lighting up the sky lay a million stars shining brightly in the night sky. 

I slowly sat up, stretching out my arms and legs before turning and climbing off the bed. My throat was dry, and sore. I needed water. But that'd mean I'd have to see Tyson...I slapped my forehead. Jesus Maya, get over yourself. I straightened up and walked over to the door, briskly pulling it open. I wondered if Lilly was still asleep, if she was still alive even. So when I entered the loungeroom I quickly looked in her crib, still sound asleep.  I continued my walk untill I reached the kitchen, and only then did I see Tyson rummaging around in the fridge. I felt a lump grow in my throat as I made my way over to the cubboard, grabbing out a glass. Maybe he wouldn't realise I was there, maybe he'd just continue looking for food...

"Maya?" he asked. Great. I groaned to myself and turned around. Think of an excuse to leave Maya, think now! He was leaning against the fridge now, his arms folded across his chest. He was looking at me in a strange, confused way. I felt like melting into his chocolate eyes, but no, I couldn't. I turned back around to the faucet and turned it on, filling the glass up with cold water. I raised it to my mouth and let the refreshing liquid ease my burning throat. Crying was worse then having a hangover, by far.

I answered him with a short 'mmhm' in which sounded more like a muffle. I didn't hear him answer me though, or didn't hear him move actually, but apparantly he did because he was no longer behind me when I turned back around. I raised my eyebrows and glanced around the kitchen.

"Tyson?" I called, and then realised I shouldn't have. Stupid maya. Let him go, then you won't have to talk... but unfortunately because I didn't use my brains a smirking Tyson rounded the corner again and looked at me cheekily.

"I knew I could get you to talk to me." his voice sounded like a childs, like after a six year old got their own way and now wanted to boast about it. I wanted to smile back, I really did. And so I did. I let the ends of my mouth pull up into a slight smile before I let them drop again. Eventually Tyson's smirk disappeared and his face was emotionless again, that's when he asked the awkward question.

"Did I, like, hurt your feelings before or something?" he asked, his eyebrows pulling together in confusion. I sighed, running a hand through my brown hair which had got slightly tangled after my slight snooze. 

"I don't know, it was stupid, don't worry about it." I replied, masking my true feelings. I just wanted to get over it, and get back to the real world. I actually wouldn't mind if we went back to being enemies, it'd be better then going through this rollercoaster I like to call 'my emotions'. He looked at the ground for a split second before his eyes slowly rose back up, glancing into mine.

"Are you sure? Because if you were really upset then I have something to -" but I cut him off when I let my emotions once again snap. 

"Tyson I said drop it." the words came out harsher then I had originally planned, but they had their effect. He dipped his head, his expression changing from confusion to slight...anger?

"Fine, whatever Princess. It's not like I cared anyway." his voice was back to the original Tyson, the one I didn't like. He turned his back on me and stalked away. At first I thought it was him being a douche, but then I realised Lilly had started to softly cry and he must have heard it before I did. Atleast I was kind of hoping that's where he was off to.

Emotions. Who needs them right?

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