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"I'm nervous, Tyler," Shelby rubs her hands along her pants in agitation.

"I understand, Shelby. Take a deep breath and remember, I'll be listening and watching you. I've set up heavy security. They'll be in the next room and will go in if they think it's necessary or if I send them in. Then there is also this," Tyler places the necklace around her throat. It contains the jewel that Tyler had magicked for her.

"If at any time you feel threatened activate the stone and it will bring you directly here or the unicorn pool, whichever you direct it to." Tyler kisses her neck and gives her a hug. He's no happier about this meeting than Shelby is.

The senator had made it necessary though. The places of work for her family and friends have been targeted. Their houses, many have been damaged or completely destroyed. No lives have been lost yet, but if Tyler doesn't stop things shortly then it's only a matter of time.

State couldn't do anything directly against the senator, but they were able to get the information that Tyler needed.

State also couldn't get the military personnel released from duty. Tyler doesn't like leaving them open to attack. But he'd done everything he could to minimize the danger to Shelby.

"I don't know what to do, Tyler. I'm not used to dealing with powerful people or psychopaths."

Tyler chuckles, "You don't have a problem with me and I'm far more powerful than that bastard. It's time this bastard is neutralized fully."

"I know, I'm just scared."

"Shelby, there is no reason for you to be scared." Tyler tries to reassure her.

"Isn't there? Perhaps there isn't." Shelby says rather musingly. Tyler wonders what she means by that. He has a feeling he won't like it if he finds out.

Shelby doesn't stand up when the man enters the room. She had only seen photos of him in the news or seen him on television. She didn't like his vibe then and it's even worse now. She fights the nausea that hits her as the man comes closer to her.

"Mrs. B-" the slimy man says as he comes closer holding out his hand. Shelby just looks at him coldly.

"That is no longer my name. You fail epically for a politico. Pissing off the most powerful man in two worlds isn't a smart thing. Insulting me, his wife, is even worse." Shelby's voice is sharp and cutting. Hughs falters as he moves to sit down.

This woman is more than he had been expecting. She had come from humble background, although educated she hadn't done much with her life. She was a victim of spousal abuse and from all reports her new husband would be very similar. He expected an easily manipulated woman. This woman doesn't seem to be easily intimidated or manipulated.

Shelby watches the different thoughts flit across the man's face and gives a small smirk.

"You know my first husband liked to manipulate me. I could always tell and all it did was piss me off. When Tyler came to me he at first tried to do the same thing. He quickly learned that didn't work. As for intimidation, you really don't want to go that route with me." Shelby loves watching the different emotions flit across his face.

Amused she smiles, "No, I don't know how to read minds, but I do read body language. You don't have nearly as good a poker face as you think you do. You forced this meeting with the idea of forcing or manipulating me to somehow harm or hurt the elves or perhaps just my husband.

"The fact that you are willing to start a war says that you are a fool and an idiot. Of course there's plenty of those in the world." Shelby watches him carefully. As his thoughts flit across almost faster than she could read she comes to a realization.

"Ah, you not only want the war you are actively seeking the war." Her statement makes the politician start to sweat. "You wish for the governments to be weakened and overthrown. Just what is your game Hughs?" Shelby states in a hard voice.

Shelby just sits there waiting for Hughs to explain himself to her. Hughs is struggling to reevaluate the woman before him. He needs her to make his plan come to pass. He pulls out a vial or small glass bottle about the size of a mini bottle of alcohol. Shelby immediately thinks of the magic potions of renewal she and Tyler have both used not too long ago.

"The biological agent in this bottle is designed specifically to weaken and kill elves. It has been proven to be effective. I need you to release this in the palace of the elves. Unfortunately it isn't airborne, we have yet to be able to develop it to that extent. It will need to be ingested or touched." Hughs says pushing the bottle towards the woman sitting across the table from him.

Shelby hides her thoughts far better than Hughs had hid his. She gingerly picks up the vial and looks at it before looking at the man across from her. "How could you possibly make something that you claim something like what you claim this is?"

Hughs is more than willing to brag to the woman, "We've taken the unwanted halfbastards and used them as test subjects. The elixir doesn't work on those of purely human genetics."

That causes Shelby to start laughing, "There are few if any purely of human genetics at this time. Elven genetics may be weak in most of us, but almost all of us have some. How can you say that this isn't harmful to humans?"

Hughs face flushes a deep red at her ridicule. "Let me rephrase that, it is only harmful to those of high elven genetics. All you need to do is set it in some form of food or drink and the elves themselves will pass it from one to another. Even just holding it like you are, should you touch the king it will weaken and eventually kill him." Hughs smiles evilly at the new queen of the elves.

"I've heard enough. You and your groups are sick and depraved. Enjoy your time in Federal Prison, unless you are executed as a traitor." Shelby says. She had been recording their session in conjunction with the FBI and even now the agents are moving in to arrest him.

As Hughs eyes widen in realization he pulls out a gun and aims it at her. As the agents burst into the room Shelby activates the jewel to take her to the unicorn pool. She can't afford to return to the palace if she is indeed potentially a carrier of the deadly mixture.

"Shelby," Tyler states. He longs to go to her and hold her. He can see the tears she lets fall.

"Did it work? Is that bastard in custody?" Shelby cries.

"Yes, and we've given them the evidence of his acts of terrorism against your family members." Tyler says soothingly.

"I can't come home, Tyler. I can't risk infecting you or the others." Shelby can no longer hold in her pain and collapses on the ground.

"I know, that's why I came here. By the pool you'll find some bottles. If you use them in the order they are set out starting with the red one you'll be cleansed." Tyler motions to the pool.

"What do I do with this filthy thing?" Shelby says bringing out the glass bottle wrapped in her scarf.

"I'll take care of it," Tyler assures her. "Just lay it down on the ground."

Shelby lays it down and moves over to the pool. Before she gets there she feels heat and turns to the bottle. Tyler has fired the bottle and scarf into a mini inferno.

"Once you're clean I'll take you home. Also I'll need those clothes. There are clean ones on this rock here." Tyler smiles wickedly as he shows her the clothes next to him.

"Oh, you couldn't leave them closer to me?"

"Where's the fun in that, love?"

"You are such a pervert, Tyler." Tyler only laughs at her mock outrage.

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