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After the call the two stand in the silence just thinking. Finally Tyler breaks free from his thoughts. "I have something for you," he says looking flustered and a little unsure.

This reaction catches Shelby's attention. She's never seen or heard tell of Tyler being unsure. Angry, furious, seductive, an asshole, but never insecure or unsure. Not even when he was trying to win her forgiveness.

She takes his hand and he leads her to the other wall that has no decoration on it. He opens a secret door and Shelby gasps. Her things, everything she had brought from home were in that room. "This is to be your room to decorate and do whatever you want with it. Perhaps tomorrow or the next day you could go shopping with Lady Twyla and buy stuff for the room. Furniture that you want and any other decorations." Tyler hands her some cards. "These are yours, spend however much you want. I have more than enough money." Tyler smiles self consciously.

Shelby is nearly overwhelmed and hugs him tight. "Thank you, Tyler." She has tears in her eyes. Things had been so hectic that she hadn't even thought about her things and what happened to them. "This is a lovely gesture."

Her things bring her a level of normalcy. They aren't high quality like everything else in the palace and she's able to relax a bit in this room. She hadn't even realized that she had been tensed up.

"I more or less forced you here. The Senator had that part right. Emotional blackmail at it's finest. But I do want you to feel comfortable here. I've seen that although you try to relax you never quite do." Tyler looks down and away from Shelby. "I've taken everything from you, your whole life and you've accepted it to help me and my people. This is the least I could do for you."

"It's wonderful, thank you so much Tyler." Shelby holds him to her tightly. "You told me the truth and didn't try to manipulate me, that's why I agreed." Shelby whispers. "I don't like being manipulated, pisses me off no end."

"Tyler, I'm going to have to see that nasty piece of work and I don't think it's going to be good. There's rumors about him. Whatever he wants to see me about, he will try to blackmail me or threaten me in some way. Since he hates the elves so much it will likely be some way in which to hurt you and my new people. I don't want to do that." Shelby says snuggling up to Tyler later on.

Tyler pulls her closer to him in the bed. He leans over and gives her a kiss. "I know. Let him and State hash things out for a bit while I try to figure something out. I want more information on him before I let you anywhere near him."

The Senator has links to organized crime and there are rumors of strong arm tactics he uses. Shelby herself is safe, but her family and friends back home aren't. Tyler doesn't like how vulnerable that makes her. Shelby has an extensive family there's no way he'd be able to protect them all on Earth. He'll have to have them come to Elvenhome until things calm down and the Senator is neutralized.

"Shelby," Tyler says.

"Mm?" Shelby is already half asleep.

"Would you like to have your family and friends come for a visit until this threat is taken care of?"

"What do you mean Tyler?" Shelby wakes up with his words.

"I mean, they aren't safe until that Senator is out of the picture and it might take a bit of work to make that happen. I can't protect them there, but if they are here..." Tyler says having turned on his side so he can watch Shelby's reaction.

"You would bring all my family and friends here? Tyler, you only had a portion of them at the wedding, my immediate family. And even then my sister you kicked out and said that she wasn't welcome here."

"I know, to both parts of that statement. It will be necessary to open parts of the palace that are rarely used to house all of them, but truly that man will go after them to get to you and force you to do what he wants. I don't want to see you have to make a choice between us and your family. As for your sister, she will be told to either be civil or she can stay in danger on Earth."

Shelby smiles at Tyler and gives him a kiss, "Thank you Tyler." She knows who she would have chosen but it would have been painful for her. "Some of them will have troubles with their bosses about getting time off with such short notice."

Tyler smiles at her, "Well then, it might be necessary for me to talk to them directly. It never hurts to add a few more business's to my name." Tyler smirks. "I will if I have to, but usually it doesn't go that far."

Shelby's smile falters, "Tyler, why are you doing this for me?"
Tyler's own smile falters at her question. "I want you happy. You've had so much bad happen and I've taken you away from everything you've known, all that you love other than your kids. And although I've tried to protect you, I've failed. You have taken harm here and someone has tried to harm your children. I won't let that happen without trying my best to stop it. If I can stop some damn human from hurting you, I will. Even if that means bringing in over three hundred humans to my palace. But I will not tolerate their disrespect towards me or especially you."

"My sister is just the most vocal, the others were just behaving themselves at the wedding. If they are here it won't remain that way for long." Shelby warns.

"Then they will find out what my cells are like, I will not tolerate the disrespect, Shelby. I won't have you hurt, not even by your family." Tyler assures her. "I'll makes sure that they understand that when they are brought here.

"Just why do you have such an extensive family?"

Shelby shrugs, "My father had twelve brothers and sisters. Add in spouses and children and voila, huge family. I have nine brothers and sisters, and half of them aren't even married and yet still they are a huge group. So taken together," Shelby shrugs again.

Tyler lets the silence settle and holds Shelby close. "I'll do my best to keep them safe as well, Shelby."

"I know."

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