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The next day Shelby prepares herself for the meeting with the elven king and meeting his court. She really hates the games they play and she's not happy about having to participate in another one to prove herself to them. She doesn't really want to prove to them anything, she still doesn't understand why she is the one that is supposed to help the elves change. She shakes her head at the idea of her being anything special.

She ignores the headache that is trying to take up residence as she pulls into the parking lot of the thrift store. She has shopped here many times and had never realized that it belonged to the elves. The elves usually don't bother with the small stores, their businesses tend to deal with multi million dollar businesses. The top businesses in the world.

She shrugs, they must have decided to take the money from those that are too poor to buy the stuff from the other businesses. Whatever the reason for them owning a thrift store aren't important what is important is she's going to be late if she doesn't get a move on. She forces herself to open the door of her car and step outside of it.

The store doesn't open for another hour, yet Shelby is sure that the door will be open for her. Indeed as she tries the door it opens easily for her and she enters.

A worker comes forward, "I'm sorry we're not open for another hour yet."

Shelby is surprised, the worker is elven and she is the most polite elf she's ever met or even heard of. "I was told to come here at this time by the elven king."

The worker brings her hands up to her face in shock, "Forgive me, his majesty has left instructions. He was afraid that he might be held up by his councilor's and asks that you forgive him for not being here for your appointment. He wants you to go through the store and choose whatever items you wish and he'll pay for them once he gets here. He said no matter what the items are, you are to get whatever you want." Shelby can tell that the worker is a bit confused about this, but Shelby understands that this is the test.

"Thank you," Shelby finds that she is actually able to smile a real smile before she takes a cart and starts looking through the store.

Lini is always needing new book bags, Shelby doesn't understand how she can go through so many of them, so Shelby finds one that she thinks Lini will like. Not that it will matter soon anyway. She then goes down the house wares aisle and notices a beaten up silver bowl. She doesn't have need of the bowl and since she'll be moving soon doesn't understand why, but she takes the bowl as well.

She goes through the store and looks at all the items and isn't interested in any of them. She goes through the clothing section and stops by a worn looking robe. She doesn't know why, she doesn't really use robes and she's donated clothes that were in better shape than this robe is. She takes the robe and places it into the cart as well.

She takes one last look around the store and avoids the true obstacles rather than the illusion ones that have popped up in front of her. The headache becomes too painful for her and she has had it. "Look, I'm done. These are the only items I'm going to pick up, but now I can't handle anymore of your games. Tell the king that I couldn't deal and left." With that Shelby stops the cart where she's at and leaves for the nearest door.

As she places her hand on the door preparing to leave she finds herself unable to move. "Please wait." The voice of the king says, then he lets her go so it will be her decision on whether or not to stay or go.

Shelby takes a deep breath and releases it rather noisily. "I have a headache and am in no mood to play these games any further King. I'm sorry if I've failed, I guess I'm not the one you need to save you after all." She turns to face the king when she finishes.

The king looks at her in confusion, "What makes you think that you've failed the test or game?"

Shelby looks at him and smirks the best she can. "I found three items only and they aren't very good things at that. I highly doubt they are what your councilors are looking for."

"Shelby, you more than any other should know that when elves are involved, things aren't always what they seem. Come and take a look at the items you have chosen." The king gently urges her, but doesn't in any way force her to his side or to the side of the cart.

Shelby just wanting this whole mess to be over with goes back to him and looks once more at the items she had chosen. Her eyes open wide in shock. The bowl had turned into a crown, the back pack into a silk dress, with seed pearls sewn into it, the robe had turned into a robe that could only be described as a court robe. The robe itself would be worth a fortune with all the jewels and the gold and silver threads used to make it.

Shelby looks incredulously at the king, "What the hey?"

The king stands smirking at Shelby across the cart. "You won the game, Shelby. Now my councilor's have no reason to not accept the marriage. They will accept that you are an exceptional human and will follow you as their queen."

It's too much for Shelby. She breaks into tears and collapses onto the floor. She had been so sure that she'd failed the test and her life and kids' lives could continue as before. She had made a deal though, and she couldn't let thousands, millions even, die if she can make a difference. Not that she actually believes that she can make a difference.

The king comes over to her and holds her to him to soothe her until she is able to bring herself under control. "Are you okay? Tell me the truth."

Shelby is unable to even talk and just shakes her head. The headache is near blinding her with pain at this point.

The next thing she knows, the king is kissing her and the familiar feeling of healing relief washes through her. The loss of pain as the headache leaves almost makes her faint in relief. But the kings lips remain even after the healing is done and Shelby finds herself lost in the wonder of the kiss forgetting everything else.

When the king finally finishes the kiss Shelby is more than a little dazed. "Why did you do that King?"

"Because I wanted to, and you needed healing. I could tell that you were in pain. There is no reason for you to remain in pain if I can easily remedy the situation." The king doesn't like to see Shelby in pain, no matter how minor that pain might be. He doesn't want to look too closely at the reason for that either.

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