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The next day the room is filled as the guard also come in, a contingent far greater than normally guards the king. Shelby isn't sure if this reassures her or makes her even more nervous.

Tyler smiles at her reassuringly, "If it had just been us two then I wouldn't be bringing any guards at all. But I've found that no matter how well intentioned children are they have a tendency to wander and explore. The guards are to make sure that the children will be protected no matter what." Tyler holds out his hands and Shelby takes them. "The place is protected by far greater magic than any now can wield. It is said that it is the source of all magic, even that of the unicorns-although I doubt that since magic lessened with their death."

Shelby smiles and her fears ease until she notices how uneasy the guards are at their destination. But just as Shelby is going to say something the food and children arrive and it's time to go.

Tyler, to make sure that there is no mistake is the one to take them all. Once they get to the clearing he finds an irritated Shelby facing him. "You need to touch in order to teleport people?"

Tyler sighs, "No, but it's far easier when I am. The larger the group and further away someone is the more difficult it is and more likely the chance I'd not be able to bring them all to the right destination. I told you that because," He pulls Shelby back to his arms and whispers, "I wanted to hold you in my arms even as I was fighting myself. Please, it wasn't exactly true nor was it exactly a lie. I hardly even noticed when you were in my arms, but it is very difficult when you are feet away."

Shelby glares at him a bit longer then smiles her forgiveness. He takes her hands once more and shows her the pool. The tutors are there with the children already giving them the lesson.

"The children are getting the official version. In my family there is a slightly different version.

"This pool is called the unicorn pool. It is said the spirit of a unicorn lives in this pool. At the time my family wasn't in power, it was a time of turmoil. Much like the medieval times of Earth. My ancestor was lost in the forest and stumbled upon this pool. He was hurt, dying as his retinue had been attacked. The rest of his people were killed. He was going to drink from this pool of water and fainted, falling in. He didn't expect to live.

"Yet the next morning he woke up to the sun shining in his face and his wounds healed. He was still weak from blood loss and hunger, but he was now going to live." Tyler stops and looks at Shelby entranced in the story.

"The story is set in bronze sheaths over the doors to the great hall. I'll tell you the rest of the story later, we need to eat now if we are to get back in time for the trial."

The children had already finished their history lesson and the tutors were already setting out the food. The guards had brought their own food and were already eating even as they remained watchful.

"Thank you for the outing Tyler," Shelby says even as she gets ready for the trial.

Tyler comes up behind her and pulls her to him. "Next time I'll take just you and I can show you what the story, official story leaves out." Then he gives her a kiss on her temple and releases her.

"Is it necessary for me to be there? I really don't want to see him again." Shelby shudders at the memory of the elves hands on her.

"Yes, I'll need you there so that I can show your memory of the event as evidence. I saw and can corroborate but I wasn't there the whole time. I want him to suffer the race traitor punishment, not just the relatively quick traitors punishment. Besides," Tyler turns her to face him, "I don't think he's alone. I think that there are other high lords and even lower lords that are trying to destroy you and your family." Tyler's visage goes hard and the angry smile he has on his face makes Shelby take a step back in fear.

Tyler closes his eyes and relaxes, "Apologies, Shelby. I swore and my councilor's swore that you and your children would receive no harm. This trial is to help to make things safer for you and the kids."

Shelby is confused by his words, "How?"

"I'm going to take the magic of those there in the trial and have them...." Tyler catches Shelby as she falls and starts going into convulsions. The foaming of her mouth tells him that this is no ordinary malady. Delving deep he finds Shelby has been poisoned. The foaming and convulsions tell him what kind of poison.

Tyler calls in desperation to Treren and immediately starts the healing. "Shelby, baby you must say yes."

Shelby manages to focus on Tyler at his words, he thinks she says yes. Treren comes in just then.

Treren sees Shelby and what's happening as Tyler lays her on the bed. "Tell me it isn't Poisonlace." Treren demands even as he goes to Shelby's side to hold her down.

"Yes," Tyler manages to get out.

"Then we are doomed." Treren mourns even as Tyler ignores him.

"Do you have another restorative?"  Tyler demands.

"Yes, but that's not going to save her."

Tyler hardly gives him a hateful glance, "I know that. It'll be for me. Go get it." Treren understanding dawning runs out of the apartment and as soon as he can transports himself to his apartment and then back to the King's room.

Once Treren leaves Tyler starts the long complicated spell. He's never heard of the same person receiving this spell twice. Sometimes the same spell won't work if used multiple times on the same person. This is Shelby's only chance, if it doesn't work they will be dead.

"My king?" Treren returns and holds out the restorative to Tyler as he finishes the spell. Tyler is about to fall over he's so drained. He's too tired to even take the flask that holds the potion.

Treren frowns in fear and opens the potion for Tyler and helps him drink. The restorative is foul tasting but does it's job and soon Tyler is back on his feet. "I have to go to that trial. If it works, bring her in. I think my testimony will be sufficient for my needs to convict that bastard of being a race traitor, but at the least he'll be given the most painful of the traitor's deaths." Tyler wipes the tears from his face, "Bring me word if she doesn't wake. You should know within the hour."

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