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Her words are like a dagger to him. She's right, he's hasn't tried to hide his actions and his reputation isn't a good one. He curses himself now, with that reputation there isn't much chance that she will ever trust him enough to marry him. Not even with the fate of the humans on the line. He needs her trust, without that she won't marry him.

He looks over at the vulnerable human and finds her watching him once more, tears blatantly obvious on her face. Something twists inside him. "With my reputation you have no reason to trust me. But even with my reputation, I have never gone back on my word. Think about it, Shelby and meet me at the thrift store in the town next to yours on Monday at 9 am. If you are willing to play the game. We will talk after the game is over."

Shelby breaks down in tears and starts sobbing. It's too much for her, the feeling is overwhelming her. She finds herself pulled to a warm chest and strong arms enfolding her as she cries.

"I promise you, Shelby, that I won't be like your ex if you do decide to accept the offer and help my people." Tyler has never meant a promise so strongly before.

Tyler looks down and finds the female, no Shelby, looking at him. He finds himself drawn to her more strongly than he's ever felt himself drawn to anyone. Helpless against the draw he lowers his head to her and kisses her again.

Shelby finds herself lost in the wave of feelings that the kiss engenders. She wants more, she loses all other thoughts than that one and when Tyler pulls back she follows him.

Tyler is about to follow up on her obvious invitation when he remembers just how fragile she is. She had been abused and not all of the abuse she's talked about is in her file. He doesn't dare take things further until she makes the decision when she's not drugged on the elven kiss. He reluctantly backs away from her and gently holds her back as she tries once more to continue.

Tyler closes his eyes at the pain it causes him to leave her like that. He's never felt anything like it. But then he's never backed away from a female more than half seduced either. Especially not a human. What he does for his people, really he should get a medal for it.

Shelby, not understanding the reason behind him pulling back just looks at him in horror at what she'd nearly done. She whispers out words so softly that Tyler isn't sure what she said although he is right next to her.

"What did you just say?," Tyler demands.

Shelby won't look at him even as she answers him, "I said that I'm such a whore."

For some reason her words make Tyler angry, "Why do you say that, Shelby?"

Shelby looks at him like he's crazy, "I've known you less than twenty-four hours and I'm already ready to take you to bed."

Tyler smirks at her, even as he doesn't like her words and the way she says them. "What is the problem? Sex between two willing people can be very pleasurable."

"I know that you and the elves take a very loose stance on sex, king, but I've only been with one person, my ex. I was taught that sex is something to be shared between spouses only." Shelby gives a very small and very pained smile to Tyler. "I know this isn't a belief held widely even among humans. I don't judge others to the beliefs I hold, they weren't raised like me."

Shelby can't speak anymore on the subject and changes it, "I'm sorry for pushing things like that. How you tolerated it is beyond me." Shelby turns from him and hides her burning face from him.

Her voice becomes whisper thin, "Could you take me home now?"

Tyler doesn't see the tears but he can hear them in her voice. Again he feels that stabbing pain in his chest. "Yes, of course, Shelby."

Tyler motions for her to stand. She does so as far from him as she can get. Tyler doesn't know whether to be amused or upset at her actions. He chooses to be amused. "Shelby, I have to touch you, or even better hold you when I take you home."

Actually he doesn't, but it is far easier if he is closer to her. Shelby looks over at him and blushes even as she apologizes. He figures she must be too flustered or embarrassed to tell that he's lying or she'd call him on it.

Shelby moves closer to him and he takes her hand. She looks up at him startled and he finds himself kissing her once more even as he takes her home.

Tyler forces himself away from her and has to fight with his body to get it under control. Once he does he turns to Shelby, "Please," he hands her her keys, "come to the thrift store on Monday at 9."

Shelby is more than a little high from the elven king's kisses and finds herself agreeing to come. She can't stop herself from making that promise but she manages to add in, "But there are no promises king. This has come at me way too fast." That's when a headache hits her and she puts her hand up in the vain attempt to stop it.

The king sees her pain, he gives her a small smile of sympathy and then gives her one last kiss, "A thank you for being willing to come on Monday. Sweet dreams, Shelby. I look forward to seeing you there." Then he leaves as quickly as he'd come, leaving Shelby staring at the spot he'd been in, in shock. Her headache gone with his kiss.

Shelby shakes off her shock and finds her phone. She calls her friend, "Jan, I'm so sorry for calling so late. Yeah, his majesty just dropped me off at my home. It's pretty late, why don't I just leave the kids there for tonight?"

"Sure, why don't we plan in you coming over for dinner tomorrow and picking them up then? That way we'll have plenty of time for you to tell us just what the flip happened! Last thing I heard is his royal pain saying he was taking you to Elvenhome, where no human is allowed, so that he can heal you." Jan says nearly in hysterics.

"Yeah, he did. Look there is a lot that I will need to talk to you and Leigh about, but I'm exhausted. I will tell you this, he didn't just give me a minor healing, he cured me, Jan." Shelby says going into her house and going over to her couch and plopping down.

Her words bring her absolute silence for so long Shelby looks down at her phone to make sure the call didn't drop. "Jan, are you still there?"

"I was waiting for the punch line. The king doesn't do miraculous things like that, at least not for mere humans."

"Oh, there's a price to be paid, or rather, this is payment for what he wants me to do in return." Shelby says almost bitterly, "but, there is too much information to give you and I need sleep before I do. What time do you want me there tomorrow and do you want me to bring anything?"

"Come about five and no, you don't need to bring anything." Jan says more than a little preoccupied with Shelby's words.

"Okay, then I'll see you at five then." Shelby says and terminates the call. She finds herself too tired to do more than pull the blanket from the back of the couch over herself and fall asleep. For the first time in a very long time she finds herself sleeping deeply and the dreams aren't nightmares.

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