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The reception is unbearably long for Shelby. Every time she gets a chance to sit down she is called upon to meet some people. Finally she's about had it and Tyler decides he better step in or there might be trouble. He has them cut the cake and do the traditional bouquet toss. When it comes time for him to do the garter belt though he can't control his thoughts any longer.

He hears Shelby take in a deep breath as he kisses her legs. Shelby had told him earlier that she hadn't done this with her first wedding. He makes it as pleasurable as he can for her. Even though he's not supposed to touch her with his hands he does so. He can tell that Shelby is struggling for control. He stops teasing her. He's struggling as well.

Finally he takes his new bride back to his room. The maid that had helped her earlier was dismissed for the night. "I will be helping you if that is alright?" Tyler says as Shelby looks for the missing girl.

"Oh, of course. If it weren't for the buttons in back, I'd be able to take this dress off myself." Shelby stutters as Tyler starts removing the buttons. For each button he undoes he gives her a kiss on her back. He feels her shudder of desire. He has a hard time turning from her to give her time.

"I'm going to keep that damn promise, so unless you're ready you should leave. Your night gown should be left on the bed for you. I'll be in the bathing room until you are ready." Even for some time after. The water temp isn't kept at cold temperatures and he's going to have a time getting himself under control.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The easy feeling Shelby felt around Tyler is now gone.

"It's not your fault. That's how you were raised. I don't wish to hurt you, you've had enough of that in your life I think. I'll be fine." He just has to get his wayward thoughts under control is all. The feel of his new wife's skin makes its way to his thoughts and makes it hard for him to get control. Finally he just gives up.

Shelby is sound asleep when he finally manages to calm himself that he can be beside her. He pulls her to him and just holds her tight.

Only then is he himself able to fall asleep.

He wakes to the feeling of a woman's hand tracing his muscles. He looks over and finds Shelby watching her hand as she continues her tracing. She doesn't realize he's awake even as she takes it lower. When she starts kissing him he stiffens. "Shelby-"

Then her hand makes contact with a certain body part and she kisses him on the mouth. He easily takes control. It isn't long before the night dress is off her and thrown across the room. What remains of it at least. He's kissing her hard and gets on top. As he slides his hands over her legs she opens them.

He loses all thought at that point and lets the years of practice take over. Her moans and groans just make him even more hard than he was to begin with.

Neither of them notice the knock on the door. The person that enters sees what is going on and backs away smiling. Well that will stop any of the liars on the council. He waits in the other room, but even so he can hear his new queens pleasure as she finds release. He doesn't have to wait very long to hear the kings release afterwards.

Treren waits comfortably in the living area of the king's quarters waiting for the newlyweds to finish. Their first cries weren't the only ones he heard in the time that he waits for them.

The king was always very much into sex. He really enjoys it, that he would pleasure his new queen several times doesn't surprise him. 

Tyler comes out of the bedroom some time later. The smile of satisfaction on his face couldn't be missed. But it fades as he sees his councilor sitting there waiting for him.

The smile falls off his face and he scowls. He blocks Shelby as she comes out of the bedroom. "We have company."

Treren hears the door slam. He wisely keeps his eyes on his king.

"The council is divided. Many of them think that you wouldn't be bedding our beautiful new queen. I am glad that I will be able to report that you did and not just once."

Treren isn't ready for what happens next. Tyler punches him in the eye. "Did you watch?"

"I knocked but there was no answer. I walked in but as soon as I saw what you were doing I walked back out and waited. You two weren't quiet and I could hear that you both enjoyed yourselves more than once."

"It's none of their damn business." Tyler is angry, more than angry, he's furious. Had Shelby not initiated things than there is every possibility that he would be in the process of being dethroned right now.

Shelby comes out dressed in his discarded shirt and her robe. She puts her hand on his arm and his anger cools down.

"You should get something for that eye. Tell the council that we will be speaking to them shortly after breakfast. I at least am famished. Tyler gives a good workout. And Treren, next time you wait until you are invited into the room." Shelby is angry as well. She wasn't sure that she should have initiated sex, but now she can't regret it. She just doesn't like the idea of other people watching.

"Apologies, my queen. I thought the reason there was no answer was because you were both still sleeping. This is serious and couldn't wait, but since I am a witness that the other is nothing more than lies than there is no rush. It won't happen again, I assure you."

"Oh, yes, we'll be talking to the council. I'll be doing some house cleaning while we're at it." Tyler says his voice deadly soft and his smile one more of a smirk. He'll be getting rid of a lot of his so called councilor's. His mothers spies and paid flunkies. He'll be more than happy to get rid of them.

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