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"That went well wouldn't you say?" Tyler says after Shelby's idea was presented.

Shelby snorts, "Sure if stunned amazement means it went well." In fact the elves were so stunned that they didn't even ask any questions until Tyler put in the fines for failing to comply.

"You realize that it will be difficult if not impossible to enforce this right?" Shelby states as they are returning to their room. She no longer feels comfortable at Tyler's side like she had before. Knowing the reason for his hatred of her people, humans, she has to remind herself. Her people are now the elves, no matter how much they hate her.

"Shelby, what's wrong?" Tyler stops her and turns her to face him before they make it to their rooms.

Shelby looks at the escort that surrounds them, "Can we talk about it when we are alone?"

Reluctantly Tyler nods his accord and they continue on towards their apartment. As soon as they enter the room Tyler takes her over to the couch and has her sit down.

"Now will you please tell me what's going on?" Tyler pleads.

Shelby looks at him with tears. She doesn't know how to say what she needs to say. "Tyler, I know you married me so you could save you people. I just have to say, you are able to pretend really well. You've fooled me pretty good." The tears manage to escape her control and fall down her face. "How can you stand to be near me?"

Tyler can honestly say that he's completely lost. "Yes, I've had a lot of practice fooling other elves and they are usually harder to fool than humans. You are an exception to the rule when it comes to humans in general and specific. But right now I have no idea what the hell you're talking about."

"How can you tolerate being married to me, when you hate the humans so much for what thy did to your sister and other people?"

Tyler sits back and bits back an oath, "Treren.

"Yes, I was angry and furious with the humans. I was very close to going to war with them. Fortunately cooler heads helped me to see the folly of doing so. It took a very long time for me to be willing to bring Elvenhome into phase with Earth once more. Perhaps it would have been better for us to have remained out of phase, but there were many that wished to return to Earth. I do still have relatives from my father's bastards somewhere on Earth, but they are long lost into the mix and have little remaining of elven blood.

"But when it comes to you, I don't have to force myself to be near you. I sure as hell don't have to force myself to touch you. If anything it's the opposite, I have to stop myself from touching you, kissing you. You are my drug and I'm hopelessly addicted. Truth to tell, I have no desire to leave off my addiction."

Tyler moves closer to Shelby and takes her hand, "I have heard it said that the elvish kisses act like a drug to humans. I have seen it work like that for you, but it also works like that for me. I mean your kisses act like that for me. I'm still dealing with my hatred for humans, there is no doubt about that." Tyler takes his free hand and gently runs it over her face.

"I don't fake anything when I'm with you. I hold myself back, because I don't want to scare you. You've been hurt, battered, and I don't want to add to that. Have I in anyway hurt you?" Tyler asks with intensity.

"No, you've been very kind. Very against your rumored disposition actually." Shelby responds softly, but the tears keep falling.

Tyler pulls her into his arms and lets her cry. "It's alright. I made you a promise, Shelby, and I always keep my promises. I don't hate you, I can't, I tried when we first met. Such an insolent human. Perhaps the very reason why I've fallen in love with you." The words were out of his mouth without him even realizing what he said. It isn't until he feels Shelby stiffen that he reviews his words. Surprisingly though his words don't make him uncomfortable, they feel right and he accepts them.

"People don't go from hating to falling in love that quickly Tyler." It has only been days not even a full week since they've met.

"The heart knows what the heart knows. I never could understand why my father continued with his human lover after he was married. Not until I met you. I am actually very thankful for the augury stones bringing you into my life. I am even more thankful that the council had no choice but to accept you as my wife so that I could be with you and not forced to marry some bitch like my mother." Tyler then takes her mouth with his and proceeds to show her just how much he is thankful for her.

"I'm not just someone you have to tolerate in your life?"

"Shelby, if I only tolerated you then that condition about sex you put in the deal wouldn't have been a problem. Of course the counsel causing problems about it would have."

Shelby looks lost and confused, "If I was merely tolerating you then it would be far easier to keep my hands off you. I would just as soon keep you in my bed all day, Shelby. How your ex could even look at others is beyond me."

Shelby has to admit to herself that being desired by the most important male in two worlds does wonders for her self esteem. Especially since she finds it hard to keep her hands from him as well.

"Shelby, we have to go to the dining hall for dinner tonight, I'm afraid. I'd rather just have a small informal dinner with you and the kids, but some of the nobles have organized this dinner in your honor. So soon after taking the throne we can't afford to offend them at this time." Tyler says sighing as he sits up and moves away from Shelby.

Shelby brings her drugged self into focus at his words. Damn his kisses really are like drugs. She could get used to this. "How long have you known about this dinner?"

"Since before the announcement you gave earlier. I didn't have time to tell you. That was part of the reason I was gone when you were ready and Treren was waiting to escort you to the conference." Tyler still isn't happy about what Treren had told Shelby. He makes a mental note to have words with him later.

"Don't be angry with Treren about telling me. It has long been speculated on. I am your queen, I should be aware of why the elves hate humans." It is still hard for her to remember to include herself among the elves and exclude herself from the humans. She will never be elven and will always remain human, she doesn't think that the elven people will ever see her as anything other than human.

"What about the children? Are they expected to join us as well?" Shelby asks afraid of what the answer will be.

"Yes, this is a welcoming dinner for you and your children. I'm sure that everything will be fine, Shelby. No need to be borrowing trouble, all that does is make you sick." Tyler takes her hands in one of his and then gently tucks a lock of hair behind her ear. "Your children have been well taught and are more than a little intimidated by the elven people still. Besides, I've threatened to take away their riding lessons and restrict them inside if they cause you any embarrassment." Tyler says this last part smiling smugly.

"You didn't?" Shelby says wide eyed and then can't hold back the smile. "Thank you. That might be enough to get them to behave for the length of dinner at least. Do I have to dress up for this dinner?"

"Yes, formal wear for the dining hall unless there is an invite stating otherwise. Come let's go find you something for you to wear."

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