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Lord Sheval is brought in with special chains on his wrists. The chains drain his magic so that he won't be able to escape. "Lord Sheval, you are being charged with not just treason to the throne, but as a race traitor how do you plead?"

"Not guilty, that bitch at your side is guilty of betraying you!" Sheval says angrily standing up straight and lying through his teeth.

His words inflame Tyler's anger to new heights trying to blame Shelby when she is the victim angers him to no end.

"Your words are noted. Now we will take memories from the three people that were there and all will see the truth. We'll start with the one that came last and saw only the end portion, myself." Tyler brings out the memory he has of finding Sheval on top of his furious fighting wife and Sheval ripping her top and groping her with one hand.

The sight sickens Shelby and makes the court murmur aghast at how the high lord treated their queen. Tyler just gets angrier seeing it once more.

"Now my wife's memories of the incident." Sheval has already turned white. He hadn't realized just how bad things had been, he'd been angry that the human bitch had slapped him and told him no.

The memory Tyler pulls goes to where Shelby runs out of the store and under the tree to have privacy to sob unobserved. Shortly Sheval enters and they all watch as Sheval forces his kiss on the queen but instead of succumbing to the elven kiss like they've all seen her do with Tyler's kisses, she slaps him. They watch astonished as Sheval slaps the queen back and then starts attacking her until Tyler shows up. Their murmuring grows, there is no doubt that Sheval is a race traitor now.

"Finally Sheval it is your turn to prove your innocence at this time. However, you knew that it was your queen that you forced your kiss on, that alone makes you a traitor. Let's see if there is anything that can keep you from being a race traitor." The anger Tyler feels consumes him at what he sees. He hadn't asked Shelby many questions because he didn't like how she looked when remembering, so he didn't know exactly what happened either.

Lord Sheval's memory goes back even further. "Look all you have to do is kiss the queen bitch. You more than any of us have seduced the humans whores, what's one more. Besides I and the others have seen how you desire her. Let her taste another elf besides the bastard king." The one that is talking is hidden in shadows, but Tyler knows the voice and it doesn't shock him. He is however shocked that it's her voice and not his mother's. He has the information he needs to take them all into custody and have them interrogated. Tyler smiles pleased, until Sheval sees and follows Shelby to the willow tree. Then his smile turns into a snarl.

"By your own memories you are a race traitor as are an unknown amount of the high lords and ladies. Sheval your titles, lands and monies are forfeit to the crown. You are the head of your house and so your house is no longer a high house. You will be taken to the walk of traitors and left there until your bones are picked clean by the birds." Tyler ignores the white, shocked face of the former high lord and orders his guards to escort Sheval to the walk of traitors.

Tyler turns his attention to the court and makes a gesture. He takes their magic and the combined effect is almost more than he can hold. If he hadn't completely drained himself healing Shelby and then used the majority of what was in the restorative he wouldn't have been able to hold it all. He's buzzing with power and he'll have to use it soon or there will be dire consequences to himself and possibly others.

"Sheval didn't act alone. I will be interviewing each member of the high houses and until such time you will be without powers. Special rooms have been prepared, unfortunately there aren't enough for each of you to have your own." Tyler smiles evilly at those below him. "I expect the interviews to take several days. I hope you will find yourselves comfortable."

Tyler has them escorted out of the room and waits for the last house to leave before he assists Shelby up from her throne and descends the stairs. At the bottom the guards form up around them and Tyler sets a protection barrier. There were still some high lords and ladies that were missing and he can't take any chances. However the barrier isn't big enough to cover all their guards, Tyler has the power but is unable to extend the shield. He just hopes that the tutors have brought the children to his rooms for safety already and no mischief against him or Shelby is planned by the traitors.

However his hopes are dashed as a fireball explodes on his shield shortly before they reach his apartment. The guards he was unable to shield were killed instantly. Tyler had a spell that automatically went off when the attack happened. His own fireball, more like fire arrow will home in on the one responsible for the attack. No matter where the attacker flees to or hides he or she, will be found and taken out.

Tyler rushes Shelby to his apartment and sends half the guards out after the children when he finds them not in the apartment. Then he opens a magic scrying mirror and finds the attacker. Going through the mirror he goes to the mans side.

Tyler kneels at the man's side feeling bereft and betrayed, "James, why?" His best friend has trouble breathing. Tyler heals the injury, he just wishes that he could heal his heart.

"I'm in contract with Lady Moeki. She wishes to break the contract so that she can marry you. I wish to marry her and became jealously enraged."

"I wouldn't marry that bitch if she were the only hope of saving the elves. I'm already married James, why would you think that I would marry her?" Tyler knows that James knows all this he just can't understand why James would think that he would ever marry Moeki. That's the lady his mother has been personally training to take over as queen. There is no way in hell he'd ever marry her because he wouldn't live long past the coronation.

"Your mother has promised her that you will be free to marry by the end of the month and that you will marry Moeki shortly after that."

Tyler laughs bitterly, "If my wife dies then so will the elven people. There will be no more Elvenhome to rule over. There is reason why I married her. It seems that it's time the truth is once more given since none of you have remembered." Tyler takes James to the cell awaiting his execution.

Had James succeded then Elvenhome would have been doomed anyway. Without a direct descendant of his line on the throne the magic will die.

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