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Tyler goes back and hands her the contract and hands her a pen. Shelby swallows down the bile that is threatening to come up and signs the contract before she can change her mind. She lets the pen fall when she finishes and looks at Tyler white faced and shaking. "What the hell did I just do?"

"Hopefully you took the first step in saving my people." Tyler goes over to her and takes the contract from her. He then lifts up her face and frowns at her shaking. "You don't need to fear me, Shelby. I won't let anything happen to you or your children." He frowns more when his words don't seem to reassure her.

"Give me time to prove to you..." Tyler starts but Shelby's tears stop him cold. He wipes them off her face gently. He pulls her to him and holds her as she starts to cry. "I'm not going to hurt you like your ex, Shelby."

"Mental abuse is far worse than physical, Tyler." Shelby manages to say through her sobs.

"I'm not going to give you any reason to feel abused, physically or mentally. Your and your children's welfare is my top priority. There you will be treated as you should be." Shelby shakes her head.

"Your people will tolerate me, but not-"

"They will honor you as their queen or they will pay the price. Disrespect to the throne isn't tolerated. They don't have to love you, but they will have to honor you. Now I have to go and get started on the wedding. I'll have people come and help you get ready for the move. You will need to be ready by two. The wedding will take place tonight." Tyler says kissing her forehead.

Shelby pulls back and looks at him in disbelief. "What, I'm to have no say in the wedding? I'm to have no friends or family?"

"The ceremony for a royal wedding is rather set. Neither of us will have much say in it. I can however, give you say in the flowers. What flowers would you like?" Tyler says. He hates the look of loss on her face. It isn't turning into a magical day for her and it should for all brides. At least that's what he's been told. Her first wedding hadn't been much either.

Shelby stays silent. "It doesn't matter I guess." That's all she says after she stares at him. "You probably have a lot to do." Tyler doesn't like how dead her voice is or how empty her eyes have become.

"Shelby, please, let me do that much for you. What are your favorite flowers?"

"I like most flowers. Just not..." She breaks down into tears again. She hates the emotions, but everything is just going too fast for her and she can't deal with it.

"Just not what, Shelby?" Tyler says softly holding her close once more.

"I don't care much for the fall flowers. I prefer the spring and summer flowers." Shelby manages to get out.

"Okay, what are your favorites though?" Tyler strokes her hair to help her calm down.

"Roses and carnations, baby's breath, lilacs, snap dragons. I like the wildflowers." Shelby winds down. Tyler lets out a sigh, his gardeners are going to have a field day trying to get all those for the wedding. But if it will make her happy, he'll make sure they are there.

But she doesn't sound happy as her sobs continue. What else had she said? Something about...oh yes, family and friends.

"Family and friends are always expected to come to the wedding. I realize that your family wouldn't be able to make it on their own so I'll make sure your friends and family are there as well. I'll provide them with appropriate clothing as well so that they won't feel too intimidated by my nobles."

"My family hates the elves. Hell half my family hates me-" Shelby is stopped by another kiss from Tyler.

"They will be there and they will be happy for you, or at least they will keep their mouths shut if they aren't. I won't let even your family say anything bad about you. Not on your wedding day at least. I know that this is rushed, I'm sorry for that, but truly time is a factor. After the wedding will be your coronation. Tomorrow you will be expected to give a speech to all my people, our people. There you will need to give some idea of what you will do to help us." Tyler doesn't like the look of horror on her face, but there really is no time to wait.

"We'll talk later about what other duties you will be required to do. There will be several political things, both with me and on your own." Tyler's voice fades out as Shelby is completely overwhelmed by everything.

Tyler doesn't like how often Shelby keeps fainting. He's checked her out and there is no medical reason for it. All he can do is hope that as she gets used to her new status and duties that she will be able to handle things more easily.

He gently sets her so that she is once more lying down on the couch. He gives her another kiss. He's finding himself as addicted to the kisses as humans are to elven kisses. He hopes that she won't make him wait too long before they can be together as man and wife. He has a feeling that her ex didn't teach her much of the joys of sex and hopes to be the one to do so.

He's lost in his thoughts and doesn't realize how long he's kept the kiss up until the need to breath forces him to break it. As he pulls back he finds himself looking into Shelby's dazed eyes and is pleased. She isn't immune to him or his kisses at least.

"I need to leave now, Shelby. Is there anything else you need or want before I go?" Tyler can't help caressing her face.

"I don't have the funds to pay for breaking my rental contract." Shelby hadn't expected to be leaving immediately.

Tyler smiles down at her, "I'll take care of any monetary needs. Just have one of the elves I send down contact me and I'll come and pay things off.

"I have to go now and get things started." Tyler smirks a bit, "First I'll have to calm my councilors down. You walking out like you did about gave them all coronary's. They will do just about anything right now for you. You managed to get them willing to help you faster than I was able to do, and you didn't have to do anything really. Life is sure going to be shaken up." But Tyler keeps his smirk in place the whole time he's talking so Shelby doesn't think he's too upset by things.

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