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Tyler finishes with the other houses that are allied with him rather quickly. Evenso the interrogations had lasted most of the day, so Shelby is rather surprised when Tyler asks her to go on a picnic with him.

After all the emotions at the interrogations Shelby is more than ready to spend some alone time with Tyler. She thought they would just have the picnic there in his sitting room. She is a bit taken off guard when Tyler accepts the food and grabs her hand.

Shelby looks around her and realizes that they are at the Unicorn pool.

Tyler sets things up and they take a leisurely meal.

Afterwards Tyler pulls her gently over to the pool, "They say if a couple in love swims in the pool they will be blessed." Tyler looks nervously at Shelby now. "I would like to swim in there with you. I don't know if the legend is true or not, but I need you near me for as long as I can have you. I want the blessing."

"So the blessing is of long life?" Shelby is confused.

Tyler shakes his head, "No, or at least it could be. Every blessing is different for each individual. What is needed the most. Sometimes it is said that prophecies regarding their future are told. Long life had been granted upon occasion. Fruitfulness was granted on others. That is the most common gift. Please join me in the pool?"

Shelby smiles and nods. There is only one way to swim on a moonlit night. If it had been anyone other than Tyler she wouldn't have done it.

Shelby could swear as she and Tyler made love that she could hear a joyful laughter.

"It's the spirit of the unicorn pool. It means that she has gifted us. She only laughs in joy when she approves of the couple." Tyler says leaning over Shelby and playing with her hair.

Shelby smiles softly at Tyler. She had already received her gift, if you could call it that. She is content.

"So what were you gifted with?" Shelby teases. She knows, the spirit told her when her gift was bestowed.

Tyler shrugs, "Most people don't know until it either happens or close to when they die when they realize what they've been given.

"What about you love?" Tyler asks teasingly.

"I saw my future." Shelby says no more and Tyler stiffens. This is the rarest of the gifts and not always a gift.

Tyler looks at her in fear.  Shelby smiles at him, "I am at peace with what I saw Tyler. It actually makes me happy. Just promise me, that no matter how much or little time we have left you will watch out for my children? Even when they are old and have children of their own?"

"Shelby-I" Shelby stops his words by placing her finger over his lips.

"Promise me, Tyler. When I'm gone they will have no one. They hate their father. I need to know that they will be loved and taken care of." Shelby says with tears in her eyes.

"Your children are mine, Shelby. I will look after them and their children and so forth until they no longer want to have anything to do with me." Tyler doesn't like the promise though, for it hints that Shelby won't be there much longer.

"Hush, Tyler. Everyone dies, even you long lived asses. You will live, your people will survive. Take care of my babies, if you promise me that I can be at peace. And Tyler, none of your lying bullshit."

Tyler is now getting upset, he hadn't lied when he claimed her children as being his. "I swear on all that I hold dear, that I will watch out for, love and protect your children. I couldn't not, do so. They are a part of you and I love you so much it's almost painful."

Shelby gets a soft smile on her lips. "How would you feel to a child between us then?"

Tyler freezes. This had come up in conversation before, but only hypothetically and he'd discounted it then. Now the idea of a child with the woman he loves fills him to bursting with joy.

"I would love to be the father of a child with you."

"Good, because you're going to be a father in a few months." Shelby says smiling at his shocked expression.

"How long have you known?" Tyler says after he hugs her tight.

"Just now actually." Shelby's face falls, "The poison that was used on me? It killed the child I was carrying at the time." Shelby's face takes on a look of wonder. "The spirit made it so that I was fertile just now. This is a bonus gift she said, because of the sacrifices we've both made and will continue to make for the people."

"Someone killed my child before I even knew I was going to be a father?" Tyler asks tears of anger falling.

"Yes, I'm sorry Tyler," Tyler holds her tight to him keeping her from apologizing further.

"This was in no way your fault. I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry love. Tomorrow I'll be interrogating the bitch mother and her allies. I'm going to find out who killed our child and they will pay." Tyler swears to her.

"It's okay, Tyler." Shelby tries to comfort him, but isn't having to much luck.

"It's not okay, Shelby. They've also tried to kill your children." Tyler says reluctantly. He'd hoped to keep this from her. He feels Shelby stiffen.

"What!" Tyler pulls her back to him.

"Their last riding lesson someone cut the girths on the saddles. Stephanie is the only one that actually fell off, but it was no accident. That's why I've suspended riding lessons until we find out who is behind it."

"Tyler," Shelby says now more scared than ever before.

"This is why I didn't tell you before. If you act scared around your children they'll become scared. Neither they or you deserve that. Treren is investigating and he will get to the bottom of it." Tyler comforts her.

"Unless he's part of it too." Shelby says bitterly. Betrayal and deceit that's all that the elves are.

Tyler holds her close even as he denies her assertion. "No, I've already cleared him. He's as loyal as anyone could hope. He knows as well as I that if anything should happen to your children that you would leave and let us all die. He was the biggest push to get you here to marry me. He all but worships you, Shelby. Going so far as to break an unstated rule to not talk about my past."

They return to their rooms at the palace soon after that.

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