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She doesn't know what wakes her up, but she sits up quickly and looks at her watch. Two hours, she had been here for two hours and the high and mighty king still hadn't come. She doesn't have time to wait for him anymore. But as she is about to stand up and walk over to the receptionist she finds that she is no longer in the same room that she fell asleep in, or at least she doesn't think so. She now is surrounded by tall trees, bushes and even large rocks and boulders. The smell is that of a forest, she even smells and hears running water although she doesn't see it. She hears the sound of insects and even the sighing of the wind through the tree tops, although none of it touches her skin. If she wasn't so angry at being made sport of she'd be impressed, she loves the forest this glamour has it down pat.

She ignores the forest around her and marches over to the receptionist and says rather angrily, "Look, I realize that your king is busy and has many responsibilities, but he isn't the only one. I don't have any more time to wait. If you won't help me bring in the stone bridge then I'll just leave it in the parking lot and you can retrieve it whenever you have a mind to." She doesn't wait for the stunned elf to respond, she just marches off to the doors.

As she goes to open the door it refuses to budge, "I know that my man here has requested that you wait for me as I had questions that I'd like to ask you." The soft and silky voice of the elven king slides over Shelby freezing her as she tries to leave.

Shelby grits her teeth and forces back her anger before she answers, she really has no survival instincts but even she knows better than to yell at the most powerful man, or elf in this case, in the world or elven realm. Once she is sure that her voice will be under control she grits out, "You aren't the only one that has responsibilities King. I have children to get back to and a long drive ahead of me to do so. I have given a great deal of my time and resources to return to your people something that doesn't belong to me and only wish to do so as quickly as possible." The pain hits Shelby hard then. She had hoped that she wouldn't be hit with this now, but she resigns herself to the inevitable.

She is unable to with hold all signs of her pain and the king looks at her curiously, he hadn't used magic to hurt her. He takes a closer look at the human that dares to treat him so cavalierly. She has become very white and looks to be in a great deal of pain. Shocked he allows the spell holding the doors closed to go.

"Thank you, King. I'll just set the stones in the parking lot before I go." The pain is held back with difficulty, she isn't sure how she'll be able to drive if it doesn't let up soon. She flings open the doors of the building and walks out to her waiting car. She is shocked to find the king of the elves at her side, but she doesn't show it.

Walking? She chides herself for smiling at all, the king is furious and is stalking at her side, just waiting for a chance to pounce on her. It is well within his abilities to have her arrested for having this bridge. But if so, at least her kids will be taken care of. They soon reach her car and the king is seriously underwhelmed by her old car. Again Shelby smirks at his reaction, they all aren't made of money like he is.

Her smirk is soon wiped off as she looks at the bridge, it isn't as she left it two hours previously. The king loses his sneer when he notes her even whiter look and continued staring at the bridge. He can just barely hear her as she whispers, "It's changed." He discounts that, the human could not possibly know that. But when she fumbles for the camera and shows him the pictures she had taken earlier he looks from the photo evidence to the bridge in front of him. He swallows his heated words he was going to say.

"How could you tell?" He asks instead as he reads the new writing. What he reads makes him pale.

The derisive snort the human female gives him makes him give her his full attention, "Oh please King, give me some credit. I may not be able to read your writing, but even I can tell when a design has changed. The writing design is far different than it was earlier."

The king was going to say something dismissive to the female when she fainted. He was able to catch her before she hit the asphalt parking lot, but not before she hits her head on the trunk of her car.

The king sends the bridge back home where it belongs and carries the now unconscious woman in his arms back into the waiting room of the building. This human female has become someone that has his full attention and he fears that he may have already caused much damage that he's going to have to fix. He is going to need her help and the idea of asking a human for help is something that makes him ill. 

The idea of facing his councilors and having them understand the importance of asking a human for her help makes him even more ill. He has to somehow make sure that she will do what he needs her to do.

He sets her down on the couch she had been on earlier and doesn't like the look of the knot forming where her head hit the trunk of the car. He doesn't like the idea of needing someone so weak. He calls for a cloth to wipe the blood falling from the cut caused by the fall.

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