Oneshot #72

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Gerard lay across the couch, his head resting in my lap as I played with his hair.
"So, your parents just decided to not come?" He asked shocked. I nodded sadly, letting more locks of his hair fall through my fingers. "I understand they aren't found of me, but your gonna miss your daughter's wedding?" He groaned, putting his hands over his eyes.
"Look love, I don't care that they don't like you, I love you, that's all that matters." I kissed his forehead, letting more of the soft strands of his hair weave through my fingers.
"But because of me, you dad can't walk you down the aisle, I just, I feel so guilty." Gerard snuggled against my arm, which he had been holding to comfort himself.
"Gerard, my parents are being irrational. You've done nothing wrong."  I ruffled his hair, pulling his torso up to meet my lips. He wrapped his arms around my neck, kissing me back softly. 
"I love you so much." He hugged me, sitting up. "And I promise, our wedding will be everything you ever dreamed, okay?" He kissed along my knuckles.
"Any wedding with you is going to be perfect my love." I cupped his face happily staring into his upset eyes.
"You make me so damn happy." He mumbled against my hand.
"As do you, my love. I love you" I tangled my fingers in his and rested my head atop his hair softly.
"I should get to the studio, I'll bring you some ice cream on the way back, okay?" He asked me, getting off the couch.
"Okay. Have fun, tell the guys I miss them!" I exclaimed, kissing Gerard goodbye.

As the door closed, I put my head in my hands. Of course it was my dream for my dad to walk me down the aisle, but as long as I could meet Gerard at the end of it, I would push all of my childhood dreams to the side.

Suddenly, I got a call from my dad.
"What." I answered it as nonchalantly as I could to my father.
"Aria? Is Gerard there?" My dad asked, a tinge of sadness peaking through the phone.
"No, he left for work. Why do you care anyways? You gonna tell him more reasons of why he's a horrible person? Why he's ruining my life?" I growled, squeezing the phone between my fingers.
"No, I just, I wanted to apologize. I... I just don't want you to grow up is all." He said softly. "I want to come to the wedding, if you'll still have us. I would never miss my chance to walk my little girl down the aisle." I would feel his smile through the phone, trying to comfort me after he had realized how badly his earlier statements hurt me.
"...I'll talk to Gerard and get back to you." I replied. Emotionless, like before.
"I love you." He proclaimed before ending the call.

I rested, holding my hands together, thinking.

He forgave.

But he wasn't going to come in the begging. Just because he decided we wants to come, he still hated Gerard.


I argued with myself, tearing welling up in my eyes.

"Hey babe sorry I forgot my keys, Y/n? Love? Are you alright?" Gerard ran next to me and rested his hand on my cheek, which was now wet with tears.
"My dad called." I managed to whimper out between sniffles.
"What'd he say? Is everything alright?" Gerard asked, sitting beside me on the couch. I nodded and pulled him in for a tight hug.
"He wants to come to the wedding." I whispered.
"Love, whatever you want. I will be so happy with whatever you choose." He kissed my forehead. "Now for real this time, I gotta go. When I come home we'll work this out." He rubbed my back, softly kissing my temple.
"Okay. I love you." I smiled.
"I love you too, and I can't wait to marry you."

More trash! Aren't you glad you read this shit?

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