Oneshot #54

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I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing. I slapped it hard and rolled out of the covers. Still in my pyjamas, I walked downstairs to greet my dad. On the counter, there was a note. I picked it up and read it.

I'm just going to bring bandit to daycare. I'm sure I'll be home before school but make yourself a breakfast.
Love you!

I rolled my eyes. It was always about bandit. I crumpled the note up in my fist and tossed in into the trash can.

Dad and I used to be really close. We had the same music taste and he was the guy who got me into comics. We always watched movies together and often cooked. It was just Gerard and me against the world, that is, until Lindsey got pregnant. Now, all he does is bring bandit to daycare and Lindsey's place and play with her.

I ate my bagel sadly as I looked at the clock. It was time for me to go to school or I would risk being late. I sighed and picked up my bag from the floor, finishing off my bagel. I wrote a little note for dad when he came back.

I walked to school since you weren't here. Don't worry, I locked the door.

I walked into the hallway at lunch to get food from my locker when I was greeted with a punch in the stomach. I bent over in pain and looked up at my bully, James. He smiled and kicked the back of my leg so I fell over.
"I didn't see you this morning in the yard, dad forgot about you again didn't  he?" James taunted and kicked me a few more times in the stomach.
"M-my dad didn't f-forget me-e." I said wearily, standing up. James just laughed and punched me across the face. I heard a giant crunch in my nose and I started to cough up blood. James stared at me, mortified. I was spitting out blood and my nose was bleeding violently.
"Y/n!" One of my teachers rushed to me, the Same look as James plastered across her face.

The teacher lead me to the office where the nurse was ready with a tissue.

At midday, there wasn't a lot of people who would come into the school, so it wasn't difficult to spot Gerard's car when he pulled in.

Gerard rushed into the school, tears streaming down his face. He ran Into the office and hugged me, not caring that I got blood on his jacket.
"Oh my god! Baby, are you okay?" He stroked my cheek and kissed my forehead.
"She was beaten up by a young boy. Unfortunately, her nose is broken." The nurse said. Gerard nodded and picked me up.
"We're gonna go home, okay?" He asked, stroking my hair. I nodded.

"When did this start?" Gerard asked once we were in the car.
"We got Into an argument." I replied, not among eye contact.
"No, that's not it." Gerard crossed his arms.
"He's been bulling me since the beginning of high school." I mumbled.
"Oh baby, why didn't you tell me?" He was starting to tear up.
"Even if I did, it wouldn't matter. Your to fucking busy with bandit to care." I looked away, expecting a lecture on why I shouldn't swear, but heard nothing. I looked back at Gerard and saw tears falling down his face. He hugged me and cried into my shoulder.
"Your so right. I've be neglecting you and I didn't even realize! I feel like a prick. I'm so, so, sorry baby. I love you. I love you so much" he cried. Every word he said hurt the same.
"Its okay. I just wanna go home and watch tv." I mumbled into the fabric of his coat.
"Of course" he nodded and wiped his eyes

At home, I had put my pyjamas back on and i was sitting on the couch with an ice pack to my nose.
"Can I get you anything?" Gerard asked, sitting next to me.
"I'm okay." I replied.
"Okay." He concluded and brought his focus to the episode of Sherlock I was watching.

"Hun I wanna talk." He told me, tilting my head to face him.
"Why?" I asked, flicking my head back to the screen.
"Because I feel terrible and I really wanna making it up to you, like, what can I buy you?" He asked.
"Dad, I don't want you to buy thing for me to be a better father, I just want you to be there for me. Maybe when I wake up, have breakfast with me or even just something as simple as making my favourite food every once in a while. I don't care about money, I just want you to make an effort to be with me." By the end of my sentence, I was bawling. Gerard hugged me tightly o his Chest and stroked my hair while I let out the rest of my tears.

"We're gonna have a daddy-daughter night, okay? We can do what every you want and I won't leave your side the whole night." Gerard reassured me, kissing my forehead.
"I'd like that."

All of you should go listen to the podcast my chemical fancast. It's fuckin awesome

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