Oneshot #68

695 21 5

Requested by @CRANKYCREWW Whom is actually my saviour,,, enjoy.

I ducked into the small Italian restaurant on the street corner, basking in the sudden warmth. I undid my jacket and brushed the snow out of my hair as I made eye contact with the hostess.
"Table for 1" I sighed. She grinned and nodded, gesturing for me to follow her. I did as I was told, trailing behind her to a small table in the back.
"We'll have somebody with you as soon as possible." She assured.
"Thank you." I nodded to her, and began to settle into my chair.

Winter in jersey was difficult. It was cold as fuck, firstly. Secondly, I was on Christmas break, but since I didn't really have any family to visit, I just stayed back. Most of my Christmas break was spent drinking alone and studying. I decided to actually leave my room today, and go get dinner at the quaint family run Italian restaurant in the middle of town.

"Hey, how are you doing tonight?" The soft voice of a man caught my attention, and I looked up to see a pair of soft hazel eyes, partially covered by fluffy hair.
"I'm okay. How are you?" I smiled out, admiring this stranger. He had relatively short, shaggy, black hair and a round face with a sharp nose. His lips curved upwards into a warm smile, and his hands folded causally by his hips.
"I'm doing fine. My name is Gerard. Can I get you something to drink to start?" He asked. I smiled softly.
"Can you get me a wine menu?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound snotty.
"Oh, of course." He nodded, looking around. Gerard grinned as he pulled a wine card off a near by table, placing it gently in front of me. I giggled at his actions, and scanned over the card.
"Uh, I'll have the porcupine Cabernet, please. And maybe a water too?" I smiled.
"Of course, dear. I'll be back in a second." He nodded, walked away.

I scanned through the menu until he came back, setting down my glass of wine and my water.
"Good choice, by the way. Porcupine is one of my favourites." Gerard smiled.
"Thank you." I smiled back.
"Any idea of your meal yet?" He asked, clicking his pen.
"Uh, no. I was actually gonna ask you about that. D-do you have any suggestions?" I asked him, nervously biting my lip.
"Oh, hell yeah. This is my friend's family's restaurant so I practically grew up eating here. One of my personal favourites is the gorgonzola gnocchi," Gerard pointed to the menu. "But the spaghetti is a classic."
"I'll have the gnocchi, I think." I told him.
"Nice. I'll get the out for you as soon as possible." Gerard smiled, walking away again.

About 20 minutes later, Gerard came out, grinning.
"Here you are, my lady." He smiled, setting the plate down in front of me.
"Enjoy." Gerard smirked, folding his hands. He watched me take the first bite, and smiled at my pleaded reaction.
"Oh my god, this is great." I giggled.
"I'll send my complements to the chef." Gerard winked and walked away. Smiling over his shoulder.

Soon, after my meal and another drink, I requested the bill. Gerard complied, grabbing me the machine. He printed the receipt, scrawling down something onto it quickly with the pen in his pocket.
"Come again, soon." Gerard said, folding the receipt and handing it to me, beginning to walk away. I unfolded the receipt and read the messy lettering in my head.

Call me sometime, lets hang out
Gerard :)

I looked up to him, smiling. Gerard winked, and waltzed back into the kitchen. I immediately saved his number.

Kinda short, but I was busy this week
!!!I got iron maiden tickets!!!
That's all :)

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