Oneshot #56

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I blew smoke away from my mouth and laid back into the park bench, feeling the cold wood through my thin leather jacket. I brought my cigarette back up to my lips for another drag.
"Hey." I heard a man's voice approaching beside me.
"Go away Gerard." I groaned and flipped my hood over my hair.
"I just wanna talk." He whispered and sat down. "Look, I understand that the last few days have been tough for you, okay? I hate the fact that Steve would ever cheat on you. You deserve so much better, but that's a conversation for another time. You can't keep distancing yourself from us, y/n." He tried to explain himself.
"Lilly sent you, didn't she?" I dropped my cigarette on the ground and stomped on it with the heel of my shoes.
"How did you know?" He asked, kind of amused.
"Because you aren't like this, Gee." I claimed, looking at my feet.
"If your saying I don't care about you, you are seriously wrong." He folded his arms.
"Am I?" I prompted.
"Yes! Y/n, you are my best friend and loosing you would be the end of me. It's just a break up, okay? I know it's hard and I know you don't want to admit your hurting, but please, just let me help you." He put his hand on top of mine. I didn't want to let him know, but he was right. "Distancing yourself isn't the answer. You have hardly talked to me for a week and I'm afraid that if this keeps up, I won't ever be able to talk to you again." He told me, slowly stroking my knuckles. I felt myself start to tear up.
"Gee, that wasn't the only reason I broke up with Steve." I sniffled, turning to face him.
"Why did you break up with Steve?" He asked, wiping a tear of my cheek.
"I broke up with Steve because I'm in love with somebody else." I could see his heart drop in his eyes.
"Who?" He tried to smile.
"You." I mumbled. His breath stopped. There was a long silence after my statement. I was to afraid of his reaction to look up at him as I started talking. "I love you so much and I just don't know how to deal with it. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, thats why I've been avoiding you. I'm sorry, and I understand if you don't like me back but j-" Gerard crashed his lips against mine. He cupped my face and kissed me deeply as I kissed back desperately. He gripped my back and I pulled his lips quickly back on to mine by gripping the collar of his shirt. We pulled away, staring at each other in the eyes deeply. He looked down at our intertwined fingers and back up to me.
"I love you too." He whispered and kissed me again, our cheeks that were once flushed from the cold flushed with passion and lust. I hugged him tightly and rubbed his neck while smiling.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"Anytime. Anytime."


Hey so I'm back! Hope that this one is mediocre. Happy reading kids!

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