Oneshot #27

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I fixed up my hair in the mirror and finished tying my shoes.
"Hurry the fuck up! The taxi is waiting!" My roommate screamed at me from outside our apartment.
"I'm coming!" I yelled back and stumbled out the door. She rolled her eyes in disgust.
"You know I'm only going to pick up a hunk, I don't want to listen to any shit punk music." She applied more lipstick.
"Whatever, you just can't appreciate good music." I flipped my bangs away from my face and started strutting down the hall.
"Excuse me? Justin beiber is good music" she exclaimed. 
"Whatever you say, honey. You're entitled to your wrong opinion." I laughed and sprinted down the stairs.

We got into the taxi and buckled our seat belts. As we approached the bar, my roommate started to freak out.
"And your sure I look hot? Would you date me?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her. 
"You look fine, okay? I'm sure somebody'll drunk fuck you." I sneered at her and opened my door.

We walked into the doors of the crowded bar and I was imedataly  waved over by my friend, Ben.
"Ben! Where's Gerard? He asked me to be here" I asked, looking around for my raven-haired friend.
"Gee? No idea. He'll turn up." Ben reassured me and slid me a shot. I downed it with no hesitation and flipped the glass over.
"He better. The act is on in five minutes." I replied.

five minutes later and after an extensive amount of alcohol, the band finally came on.
"Hey guys, were my chemical romance and tonight were going to be playing some stuff and shit. Anyway, I'm Gerard, this is frank, Ray, and my brother Mikey." Gerard smiled into the microphone. I cheered and clapped while waving at gee.

He sang beautifully, catching my gaze every few minutes. Gotta say, his music was fanominal. I watched with such intent, that I missed most of the music.

His show ended, and he hopped of the stage.
"Gerard! That was Fucking amazing dude! Your fucking awesome!" I leaned onto him, trying to keep my balance.
"Thanks y/n" he rubbed his neck.
"You looked really fucking hot out there, gee." I rested my arms on his shoulders.
"Are you drunk Hun?" He laughed at me.
"A little" I dragged him over to a chair.
"Do you want me to get you a water or something?" He sat me down and pushed a rouge piece of hair behind my ear.
"If anybody's getting a drink, it's you. You need it." I got up. He pushed me back down.
"No, I'll get a water and then we can hang out outside. It's to crowded here." He shuddered.
"Alrighty. I'll be 'ere" I propped my feet up on the table.

After a few minutes, gee came back with two glasses of water.
"I told you I didn't want anything" I took a sip.
"I know, but you need it." He sat down beside me and rubbed my back.
"Omg! Gerald? You are so fucking good at singing and music and shit." A peppy blonde chick walked over to our table.
"Thanks." He smiled forcedly at her. He knew in reality, she just thought he was hot and wanted some sex.
"Do you wanna maybe come back to my place? Sing to me, if you know what I mean," she smirked and grabbed his hand.
"No, I'm sorry, I have a girlfriend." He responded.
"You d-" I was pulled into his lips.

He weaved his fingers through my hair and guided my lip movements. I gasped as he pulled me onto his lap. I settled into his legs and he moaned into my mouth loudly in response, pushing against me. The fangirl grunted and left. I felt Gerard's grip become lighter on my waist as I pulled away.
"What was that for?" I asked quietly.
"I needed to get her off me. Let's go out back" he smiled and helped me up.

We sat against the wall, smoking.
"Hey gee, about the kiss," I blew some cigarette smoke out of my mouth opposite his face.
"Are you sober?" He asked.
"I'm sober-ish." I replied.
"Alright. Continue," he rested his hand on my knee.
"Well, the kiss. Was it...real?" I asked, kinda confused with myself.
"It wasn't real at first." He scratched his head. "Then, it got real. I'm sorry, I was just trying to get her away an-"
"It's okay. I...I liked it" I smiled at him.
"Me too." He rubbed my knee.
"Thank god, because if you didn't, it would make this really awkward" I cupped his face and kissed him. Gerard smiled against my lips. I let him pull me closer to him so he could get better access to my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I pulled away slowly. He flashed his glaze up to my eyes and started to kiss my neck.
"Do you wanna go back to your apartment and hang out?" He whispered in between kisses.
"Totally." I replied, pushing him away.

Gerard way one shots Where stories live. Discover now