Oneshot #13 last shift

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I gathered all the glasses off the counter of the bar and wiped it down. My shift had just ended and I was just cleaning for the guy who usually took the shift after me. The bar was closed, so I just assumed he came to clean or something. Just as I was about the leave, I heard a male's voice from the basement. I walked down the stairs, being careful of the creaking boards. When I got to the bottom, I saw him. He had greasy black dyed hair that came down in chunks. He wore black skinny jeans and a leather jacket that seemed to be at least 20 years old. His voice was fanomanal. It actually made me feel like I was going to faint.
"I'm trying to let you know just how much you mean to me..." he sang heart fully.  I shifted my weight onto my other foot and felt the board under me creak. He froze and stopped singing. He turned and faced me.
"Hiya" I waved, awkwardly.
"How long have you been here?" He asked quietly, revealing that he wasn't the bad boy I thought he would be.
"Long enough I guess" I looked away.
"You probably think my singing is terrible too, eh?" He laghed and frowned at the ground sadly.
"No, your voice is beautiful." I replied.
"Really? Or are you just saying that to get on my good side?" He asked.
"Really. You have an amazing voice, what song were you singing? It sounds amazing." I asked, leaning on the wall.
"It's an original actually. It's called demolition lovers." He scratched his head.
"Do you have a band?" I smiled warmly.
"Yeah. We're not very popular though, just kinda playing music." He responded.
"That's pretty awesome. Hey, I didn't catch your name" I tried to keep our conversation going. As hard as I tried to deny it, I loved talking to this attractive stranger.
"Gerard Way. You?" He smiled
"Oh! Y/n L/n" I shook his hand.
"So, your the nice lady who cleans up before my shift?" He smiled happily.
"Yeah" I bit my lip.
"Thank you for that by the way. It's very sweet." He moved a bit closer to me.
"No bother. I like the bar when nobody's around. It's nice" I replied.
"You get the busy shift, right?" He asked. I nodded.
"I guess I should get going then. See you tomorrow night?" I asked.
"No! Would you stay and talk with me for a while? It gets sorta lonely,"He smiled sweetly.
"Sure Gerard." I smiled and started walking upstairs with him trailing behind me. We sat down together and talked for about an hour more.
"Oh shit! Look Gee, I have to get home. My roommate will be expecting me." I pushed my chair out.
"No problem, y/n/n" he sighed.
"One more thing-" I spun around and grabbed his collar, pulling his lips towards mine. To my surprise, he kissed back. I pulled away abruptly.
"See you tomorrow." I whispered and walked out.

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