Oneshot #3 any time you want

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I sat up in my room, Laying face down on my bed, crying. I just couldn't deal with my parents anymore. I was failing school and all I wanted to do was leave this hell. I was disturbed by the sound of a rock tapping the glass of my window. I sniffled and let a smile escape my lips. I quickly wiped my eyes and opened my window. Gerard, my boyfriend, waved at me from my front yard. I climbed down onto my roof and slid off into Gee's arms.
"Thanks again for coming" I grabbed his hand.
"No problem, Where do you want to go?" He smiled sympathetically.
"Umm, I dunno, coffee?" I questioned.
"Sure. I parked down the street" he guided me to his car. Gerard had been secretly picking me up from my house for the last few months. Whenever I needed it, he would pick me up and we would go out to do something.
"So, what happened?" He leaned back into the seat.
"Family get together next weekend." I crossed my arms.
"But our gig is next weekend" Gerard yelled.
"I know! We already signed up and everything and my parents don't give a fuck" I sighed.
"You know what, we'll figure something out." He moved my bangs out of my face and stroked my cheek. "Okay?"
"Okay" I smiled. Gee nodded and started driving. At the coffee place, we got our usual and sat down at a table in the back.
"So...this is something I've been wanting to ask you for a while" my eyes met Gerard's
"Mhm?" He nodded.
"If I ran away... would you come with me?" My voice got shaky.
"Of course. Any time you want baby." he grabbed my hands.
"You would?" I smiled.
"I love you. Of course I would" he laughed.
"I love you too" I leaned across the table to hug him.
"Your parents would have found out by now that you were gone, let's go" he smiled. I nodded and we linked hands as he guided us out of the coffee shop.

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