Chapter 19 2 New experiments

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I was so thankful to Myrnin, he actually brought her back, I couldn't believe it either.

I think I'm starting to get why Claire put up with him, sometimes he's bad but he always makes up for it. He can't help being bad.

And he goes over the top.

I don't know why I was so jealous, I mean he is a good looking guy as I heard Eve and Miranda talk about a while ago just after Claire disappeared.

I thought he took her. When I found out about that note, it broke me, I got so mad that a month of moping around I moved away, YOLO!

Such an overused crappy saying.

I was in Amelies office to ask if I could help with the Claire and Monica situation.

Mostly Claire! Shhhhh!

Amelie was sitting in front of me in her usual queen clothes.

"No, they seen you and Myrnin. I'll try Michael and his friend... what's his name?"

"Justin, yeah OK." I was a bit disappointed.

I suppose I could go find mom.


I awoke to see the strange man from before and Michael.

I tried to speak but Michael pressed a button causing me to get a shock, the pain shook my whole body causing the chair to fall over with me tied to it.

"Quiet!" I clenched my teeth in pain as my whole body shook. My hands were bound in front of me. Michael moved the chair back up.

I glared at the two of them as my body began to settle.

"Shhh. He's almost here." The strange man said.

I must've looked like I was about to talk so Michael slapped me hard on the face.

"Shut. Up!" He popped the p.

Michael walked circles around me and he stopped behind me as the weird old man left the room.

He grabbed one side of my head and tilted my head, I felt two sharp things enter my neck, I screamed as I felt my blood flow down my neck and I realised he was biting me. Like a vampire.

Wait, what!? No, no no no. Vampires don't exist. Stupid Claire.

When he stopped I felt a little light headed.

"Yes, vampires exist, and I have to find a way to make you one." He whispered into my ear from behind me.

"Until then, I'll have to make use out of you."

I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, wishing this was a bad dream and that I'd wake up soon.

The the man from earlier and a stranger came into the room.

"I have the stuff." The stranger said.

"Great, now where's the syringe?" Michael asked from behind me.

The room was candle lit, there were random cardboard boxes and rugs everywhere, dust and a table.

The stranger laid out a test tube with what looks like water, he had a syringe, belts and I don't know what that is on the table.

"Have it." The stranger said.

"Great, Michael, tie her to the chair." The man from earlier ordered.

Kiss me quick. (Morganville series my version)Where stories live. Discover now