7| Call me Fern.

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Aspen opened the door and helped Cooper in. "Dad, could you make us some tea while Cooperi takes a shower?" Aspen asked and looked at her dad. "Of course, it's good to finally see you Cooperi, Aspen have been talking about you a lot." He said and smiled. "It's good to meet you too mr. Beauchêne." Cooper said and smiled. "Oh please, call me Fern." He said and smiled before walking into the kitchen. Aspen helped cooper up the stairs and into the bathroom. "I'll go get you some clothes, towels are here, soap, shampoo and conditioner is in the shower and if you need them painkillers are in that cabinet." Aspen said and pointed to the different things."O-okay." Cooper said, Aspen looked at her and smiled before walking out and closing the door.
After finding the clothes and hearing the shower being turned off she knocked on the bathroom door. "Just wait a minute." Cooper said, her voice slight muffled by the door. She opened the door and looked at Aspen. Aspen blushed at the sight. Cooper's hair was soaked, she had a towel around her torso that stopped mid thigh and the dried blood was gone. "Here you go." Aspen said and looked at Cooper, her body was perfect. "Thank you." Cooper said and took the clothes before walking in again and locking the door. Aspen got up, she looked at her phone and saw that Elm had called. Aspen was quick to FaceTime him.

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