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Nico POV


Running... I've been doing it my whole life.

My lungs burned, but I kept running. the monsters weren't let up and they were started to catch up.

I tripped and well into a pit of fire. man I hate Tartarus. I cry out in pain, but no ones going to help me. no one wants me, no one loves me, no one cares for me.

The monsters are gaining and fast. I'm paralyzed. I took a deep breath and started hyperventilating.

My lungs felt like water was filling them up. I couldn't move. I struggled for breath until I has no breath left. I laid there and gave up. the world was fading out "oh Nico" a sad voice says. I can breath again and Bianca stands I front of me.


"Nico we don't have time, you have a choice, you may die and stay in the world world forever or you may go live your life."

I thought deeply and then I knew my answer "I want to go with yo-" but them I heard something. it was a far off noise, but I was sure I heard it. I listened closely.

"Oh my gods **sobs** Nico please wake up **sob** I love you" that was Leo's voice...

I looked at Bianca and she gave me a sad smile "yes it's him and no it's not your imagination and no I won't be mad I love you nico, live you life while you still can." I ran up to her and hugged her.

"I love you too, but I have to go back..."

And everything faded to black as I felt air filling my lungs.

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