Past; night 1

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WARNING: I'm planning on writing a long chapter recapping the week I skipped so it might be long time until u see this or I might split the chapter up a bit..

Nico POV

Day one:

I smiled at him as he grabbed his bag. "so since u don't want to go out ill order in, whatcha want?" he gave me a side ways look like he didn't know what I was saying..

I rolled my eyes and sarcastically talk slower... Like really slow "wwwwhhhaaatttt dddddooooooo yyyyoooouuu wwwwaaaannntttt ttoop-"

"No I understand" he said intruptimg me "I mean how do you order take out if, mortals can't enter camp" ooooh I should oh realized that's what he was confused about.

"I have a tunnel under my cabin I made -with the help of hazel- and only demigods and my minions can go three it do I just summon dead people -not as bad as it sounds- to go do things for me, like get food and soda n stuff that's why if don't really leave my cabin" Leo let out an 'OOOOH!'

"So whatcha want?" I repeated and he looked like he was in deep thought. final he opened his mouth to speak and said "I don't know" I rolled my eyes and order pizza and soda then sent one of my minion to go get it.

Leo and I sat on my bed as an awkward silence feel over us. I pulled out a book and Leo looked at it curiously.

"What's that" he asked

"The Fault in our stars" I replied

"What's it about" I swear he probably would regret that question for the rest of his life (( AN: spoilers for the fault in out stars and other books))

I did something I'm not proud of... I fanboyed....


Oh. my. Gods.

This boy is obsessed. he kept going on and on he first started out by saying

"Give me a second...." Then his voice turned all soft as he said "my thoughts are stars a can't fathom into constellations" then hr started rant on about swing sets wanting butts of children and Christmas trees.... I didn't quite pay attention to what he was saying I just loved this side of him so just watched.

He smiled and I think almost cried when he said "Hazel Grace, I lit up like a Christmas tree" and he would laugh and make big hand jesters and it was quite adorable....

And that's what we pretty much what we did that night... Until midnight when we decided to go to sleep now that was awkward...

"Hey much as I'm having fun I have to get up before breakfast to teach the younger kids so I better hit they hay" Nico said and I nodded and he yawned and rubbed his eye like a little kid. I notice I was staring so I started to tinker with some stuff.

"Uh, so like this is your cabin so I can go on the ground" I said

"No your my guest take the bed"

"No I'm fine with sleeping on the floor really Nico"

"We're going no where." he said and I nodded.

I looked over at him and his face flushed pink "w-we'll we cc-could share the bb-bed -Yy-you nnow if you want too" his face was all pink and he was stuttering, it was sort of cu-

"Hello" he waved a hand in front of my face "oh sorry I zoomed out a little" I smiled and then remembered he asked a question and I felt my face heat up, but thankfully my darker skin covered most of it.

"Yeah we could totally (totally? I thought) share a bed I mean it won't be weird... we're both guys well I think err both guys" hr raised an eyebrow not really understanding I was trying to joke "are you saying I'm not a guy?" "No I was just joking arou-"

"You guys lights out was 30 minutes ago!" Will yelled through the door and I snickered.

Will left and nico went into the bathroom and changed and I changed into my sweats and no shirt and it looked like he had the same idea, but he had skull PJ pants. I chocked back a laugh.

He went into the bed and I went on the other side "goodnight" I said "sweet nightmares" he said as he turned off the light and we both drifted off to sleep and thankfully my nightmares weren't that bad.

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