Tears, hugs and music

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I tried to walk away, but a group of Aphrodite girls crowded around me saying to give her another chance. Just when I thought I was going to punch them a arm grabs my hand and suddenly everything was black.


I woke up with the world spinning around me and a boy shaking me...

"What?" I asked wearily then everything came crashing down on me, the break up, the arm?

I looked up and saw the one person I would least expect.

Nico Di Angelo.

At that moment I noticed he was kneeling and my head was on his lap. I slowly sat up and gave him a sideways glance "what happened one minute Aphrodite girls were going to eat me alive and the next POOF! I was here" I tried not to have my voice shake trying to hide my feelings. mission failed.

Nico open his mouth, but then closed it again as if trying to choose his words carefully. "um well, you seemed to be in quite a predicament so I I used the shadows to transport us -shadow travel- and I ended up in the woods, but then you fainted like for 30 seconds and I can't blame you it's tough the first time, but anyways yeah that's it here we are.... Are you okay?"

I swear that's like the most words I've heard come boy of his mouth "I'm fine thanks for helping me I swear it was like being a cookie in a classroom full of kindergartens" I faked a smile and Nico just gave me a 'are you kidding' me look and he sighed the began talking "I know you're far from okay Leo, and I know you're afraid of me n all heck if I didn't know me I'd be afraid of me too, but anyways you can talk to me, like who am I going to tell I have no friends" hearing that almost made my heart shatter.

Wait- am I feeling bad for Nico? Oh well it's been I rough day I can feel what I wanna feel. anyways, I tried to stand, but the world began to spin again and I fell. half way down Nico caught me in a downwards dip position... awkward...

He sat me against a tree and he sat next to me and kept talking like nothing happened.

"So whats up?" He tried to sound casual and I snorted wiping the tears from my eyes. tears? oh wait I never stopped crying no wonder he was fussing over me, but my tears were incessant.

"Whats up? well for once in my life, life was actually going well I was happy, but then I went to Seth's room and found him naked with my girlfriend... hmm what do you think up? The sky??" I sounded harsh, but it didn't really affect him and he just turned to me and hugged me.

I could tell it was awkward for him, but he knew I needed it and boy did I need that right now. I buried my face into his chest and cried my eyes out and he sat there with me righting his grip as I noted into the hug.

He gently stroked my hair and after who bows how long... An hour? He finally spoke up and said something I didn't expect.

"she was a bitch anyways" I chuckled lightly as I wiped away my tear and pulled away.

"Yeah I'm sorry for breaking down and all I just-" he cut me off

"No need to say sorry everyone needs help every once on a while, even super hot mcshizzlen." He joked and I gasped as he chuckled and before it could ask he answered "Hazel told me about your little incounter with Echo and narcissus" I smiled light as I remember that day. it felt like so long ago.

Nico slowly stood up and gave me a hand. I took it and he helped me up. his face flushed a light pink as he realized how close we were and he took a steep back and I chuckled.

"So you think we should head back to camp?..." He shook my head no and he have me a sideways glance and I explained. "I cc-can't go back yet, I just can't"

He nodded understandingly and took my hand into his sending shivers up my arm. it wasn't bad, just... I don't even know actually.

"Close your eyes; the second time shadow traveling is always easier" Nico stated then became completely concentrated. I closed my eyes and suddenly felt a soft fluffy thing under me.

I opened my eyes feeling slightly dizzy, but not as bad, but it was pitch black. I heard foot steps then I bright light shinned above me lighting up the room.

The walls were a regular grey and there was a king sized bed with a black blanket , with CDS, scattered everywhere and a unmade bed.

I looked to my left to see Nico sitting next to me on his bed. "welcome to the one and only Hades cabin" he toke a deep breath then started talking really fast, I could barely understand him, but I was able to make it out...

"we here at the Hades resort/spa are happy to have you accompany us in staying here in our resort/spa. You are willingly responsible for any injuries or inconvences here, but if there are any please go and consult the ghost king himself Nico Di Angelo. He shall help you in anyways possible because our motto here is 'happy costumer happy life' and thank you again for choosing the hades resort for you're resort and we highly hope you enjoy your stay" I starred at him for a moment the laughed and I broken into a grin acting very content with himself.

After I finished laughing I gasped making him jump a little "NICO DI ANGELO JUST MADE A JOKE" I put my hand on his forehead and he swatted it away with a smile on his face

"Better take a picture it only happens once in a lifetime" he joked sarcastically and I smiled.

"You should smile for it fits you" I said to him then there was so awkward silence then I got up and looked around his room and stopped at his mountain of CDs. I took a few minutes to look at them.

"Sick puppies, imagine dragons, Jason Mraz, fall out boys, panic at the disco dang boy you have my taste in music this is freakin awesome" I said while looking through his music and I turned around and he wasn't there .

I looked around the room and when I turned back to his bed there he was sitting there with a suitcase I his hands "i know right there good bands/singers anyways with the help of Piper and her fabulous charm speak, for a full 2 weeks friends are aloud to stay in each others cabins so I grabbed your stuff so you can go somewhere else or stay here if you don't want to face people"

I was so confused at how I could be afraid of this boy he was just like me an out cast but just isn't as social as me...

I smiled and walked up to him and he stiffened but then awkwardly hugged me back "thank you" I whisper into his ear forcing him to shiver. he just nodded and then we started talking and he almost made me... no he did make me forget all about calypso.

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