Ti amo

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Leo POV:

Holy sh!t it was freezing and that's a lot coming from me. I reached for the blankets, but lil Nico hogged it so I had to move closer until we were shoulder to shoulder. Well that might be a little awkward when we wake up, but u don't think he'll mind too much... right?

I slowly drifted back to sleep.

Nico POV:

What the Hades. I woke up to find Leo moving closer to me then him following to sleep next to me. not that bad right? wrong, he started to cuddle up to me. He burrowed his face on the crook of my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

I froze trying to process what's happening. Leo then slowly moved his hand into Nico warm bare chest and wrapped his leg around his. He cursed in italian.

He could barely take it. 1. He actually has his crush in the same room as him. Yeah not to bad 2. He sleeps in the same bed. Okay that's crossing the line. 3. His crush cuddles with him in his sleep, that was crossing the line and hopping over a few states.

He let a shaky breath shifted a bit until he was in the perfect position. he lifted his chin and put it on top of let's head "Ti amo" i whisper as he begins to stir. oh no.

Leo POV:

"Ti amo" I heard someone say.thay deep husky morning voice can only belong to him. Him. Out of all people him. This can't be....

Wait. "Ti amo" that Italian... believe it or not Spanish and Italisn are quite similar.... But what does that sound like... OH! I know... Wait oh holy gods of Olympus.... "Ti amo" is.... is....

Well in Spanish "Te amo".... 'I love you'.... did he say I love you. I shifted in his arms and he seemed to notice. I cracked my eyelids open. he was defiantly awake, but not looking at me... he looks... Terrified.

The ghost kind terrified... I can't do this right now... Not after Calypso I need time to think. I cuddled back into him pretending I was just shifting and went back to sleep.

Nico POV: He might of just shifted, but I'm not sure... what if he heard me? what if he's disgusted? what if he hates me?... Then a thought passed through my mind, something that I never think I would ever think.... what if he likes me back?...

Leo POV: Nico's been... Distant lately... For the past 3 days. When i woke up after the first night he was gone, but it turns out he just got breakfast and brought me back some. I haven't left the cabin, but we made a deal on Saturday exactly 4 days from now, I'll have to leave his cabin... I'm not sure if I can face everyone, but I have to talk to annabeth... I need answers and she'll know...

But Nico doesn't know that Nyssa

Had been visiting me and I signed him up for Karaoke... I hope he won't hate me...

A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry I could give you many reasons why, but I won't bore you with why I didn't update quicker all I can say is I'm sorry and I hope you forgive me.

Also sorry for the short and many POV'ed chapter it was kind of a filler because you guys wanted a 'heated' scene so, I was gonna do a chapter for each day/night, but I decided against it and the next chapter will be in current time...

I don't like making fast realationships, but I'll speed it up a bit. thanx 4 waiting! I'll update ore because I have a 2 week spring break so I'm on my first week now.

Anyways <3 u guys!

QOTC: What's your plans 4 spring break/ Easter.


Have u read/watched divergent? Whatcha think of it? (Or allegiant 😭)

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