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Nico POV

I was defiantly not fine.

I was stuck in the room with my worst enemy and my brother/death.

"Will you just stop! I came to talk to death" I smear at Eros and he just smiles.

He would actually be quite hot if I didn't hate I'm with a burning passion.

"AWWW you here that?" Eros said

"Nico said -well thought- I was quite hot you if I didn't try to cause him pain, but that's just what I do" he shoves Nico against the wall and he groans.

"Ha and he thinks you death-his brother- is freakin gorgeous" I blush and try to fight back, but he has already disappeared to the other side of the room.

"F*ck my life" I mumbled to myself and of course Eros tuned in

"Isn't that Leo's job?" he said and I was done.

My aura grew pitch black as shadows swarmed around me. I got out my sword and got into my fight stance.

Eros dispeared, but the I used the shadows to spread on the floor to sense where he was.

Behind me.

Without a second of hesitation I turned around which caught him by surprise and stabbed him in the leg.

He winced as he went back over to death them healed himself.

"Now Nicky it ain't nice to stab friends in the leg" he said with a smirk.

"I could do a lot more then that you little b-" death cut In.

"STOP!" His Voice boomed.

"Eros wait outside until I'm done" even Eros was a bit afraid and went outside.

"Nico why have you come" he said and I sighed and explained. by the time I finished he a face.. I couldn't really read it, it was like a fish out of water, seeing a cat, while trying to figure out a Math problem, but some how he still looked gorgeous.

"Nico, I know how important this is to you, but I just can't.. I won't... item against the rules and Dad (Hades) would probably kill me." he said as he leaned again the walls.

"Listen Dad have me the okay, but I have a short amount of time, and it's technically not against the rules it's just highly frowned upon-" he opened up his mouth to cut me off, but I quickly continued.

"And Were Family. shouldn't that mean anything to you? were brothers, if you were ever in a sticky situation I'd help you, please if not for me then do it for Leo, he was following his heart not his brain, please" my eyes were pleading him and he opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it once he saw my face.

"Okay. BUT you owe me one and for one to have another soul other than there own in there disposal is very dangerous. Not just dangerous for you, buy him to, if you hurt the soul it hurts the one of the beholder of everyone who's has had it." he said and I gulped.

"For Leo" I thought.

"Okay so you won't Be able to shadow travel it'll be to dangerous the shadows will try and take it so you must stay in the light, in a few hours it shall be day, you must get it to him before night fall or his soul will be lost forever, and not even hades or myself can get it back." was he trying to scare me.

"Okay." I said in a stern voice.

He said a few chants them handed me a box. "how to put a soul back, it's a little different from when a god does it, be careful" he told me how and got out a knife.

"I'm going to have to put it in you." he said carefully

he grabbed my arm and sliced open my arm. I turned my head away and silently winced. he put his hand over the wound and it began to glow then it faded and my arm was normal.

"The mist will cover it up, even for demigods, but the pain shall not be masked, I shall hold Eros off, and you better hurry if what you said about hades is true you have 3 hours to get out of here and 2 until sunrise." he said and I nodded and began to walk away, but I stopped myself.

I turned around and hugged him catching him by surprise as some mods started to decay around us. "thank you" I whispered into his shoulder then began my journey back to Leo.


Walking and walking. a lot of attacks, but I had made it through all without a scratch on my left arm, and for the rest of me I wasn't doing so well, but 3 thing kept me going.


"Be back by Wednesday, Promise."

"Pinky promise?" he held out his pinky

"Pinky promise." I shook his pinky

"You do know how serious a pink promise is right?" he asked

"Yep, no matter what you must keep that promise forever" I said

"And always" he replied

"Forever and always" I repeated and smiled as I kissed him again.


"Now don't forget a pink promise means-" I interrupted him

"Don't worry I'll always fine my way back to you forever-"

"And always" he finished for me and I smiled.

3. The thought of me failing Leo and the thought of his face when he saw I didn't make it to him on time.

~~~~~~~~time skippy~~~~~~~

It's already Wednesday.

I had just made it out the of underworld and ate ambrosia that i got from an Saytrs near by.

The sun just began the ride when I got out. I'm not usually in day light because I usually hide in my dark cabin where I hide from everyone.

I groaned at the thought of my freckles (just a few) coming back, but the thought of a tan wasn't that bad, but once the sun hit my skin it was like I just made fun of one of apollos poems, but hey I'd this is the worst that's happening so far I guess I'm going good.

~~time skipperoo to an hour late~~

I'm so not doing good.

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a bit. schools a beach. and yes I beach instead of b¡tch.

Anyways hoped you like the chapter. short I know I'll try and update this weekend finals are coming and I have to study.


Favorite number?


What do you think happened to Nico?


What do you think the process for putting his soul back Is?

Frickle frackle?

Jk jk jk I already know, but what do you think?

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