Fire mets death

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Nico POV:

I opened my eyes and saw I was in my room with a crying Leo yelling in Spanish and pouring nectar into my mouth. I cough from almost chocking and Leo saw I was awake.

He threw the nectar to the side and hugged me tight. I took a breath and pulled away and Leo looked hurt.

"Sorry, but I have to tell you something"I said then he slapped me.

"Don't you ever do that again I thought you were... you were..." the words didn't come out "dead" I finished and he looked up at me with tears still flowing down his face.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I want to tell you that... that.. I think I like you, like as in more then friends" I said as his eyes shimmered with hope then it all went away in a flash

"Besties?" he suggested and I chuckled.

"no more like this" I cupped with face and my hands and kissed him. it was short and lingering kiss. To me it was like forth of July. sparks flew and he kissed back. He grabbed my hips and I moved my hands to his shoulders.

I pulled away leaving our noses touching and I opened my eyes to see his had his eyes closed.

"Please don't say I just emotional scarred you for life." I said and he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, but you did." Leo said and I got up and ran for the door, but he jumped up and grabbed my shoulder pulling me back as I tried to run.

"You didn't let me finish" he said "I'm sorry, but you did, because I'll never be able to like anyone one else the way I like you" and then he push my against the wall and his lips crashed into mine.

Fire mets death. death mets fire.It was nothing more then lips, but it was perfect.

"Wow" we both said as we pulled away.

"We should go to bed" Leo said


I changed into my PJ's pants, with no shirt and joined him under the covers. I snuggled into his chest and he put his arms around me.

"What does this make us?" I asked

"Besties" Leo said and I chuckled

"Seriously though" I said

"Well" he looked me in the eyes "Nico Di Angelo will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend" I have dreamed if him saying that for quite a bit now and my dream came true. I looked up at him and nodded "I'd love too" we both smiled and soon drifted to sleep.

A/N: I tried to write fluff... sorry for my fail...

Anyways ily guys, thanks for reading.

I have plans for this story, but not a plot... idek if that makes sense...

I have ideas for little things, but I'm not sure...

QOTC: I need drama, what should happen next (I might write you idea/ideas)


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